Page 62 of Mortal Demon

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Riley focused on the smooth wall, blocking out the growls and fighting surrounding her. There would be only one chance and the king would likely kill her. She was glad Colton was next to her. Even if he was locked in his mind, watching as Ashkara controlled him. She hated that her mate would blame himself for what was about to happen, but it couldn’t be helped. If she was successful, she hoped to have a few seconds to tell him.

She stopped beside the wall that would soon contain the portal and glanced back at the demons fighting the wolf clan. Her eyes found Ferguson. His alpha ripped through a demon, severing its head before he understood the intent in her eyes.

“Riley, no!” Ferguson screamed.

Ashkara’s face twitched, almost in a smile. He assumed Ferguson was telling her not to open the portal. “Start the ritual, while the shadows are engaged with my army.”

Riley coated her hands in the blood. She focused inward, garnering all her power. Then took in everything at once as her shadow emerged. The smell of thick iron. The dank, musty smell of the cave. Death screams of reaper and demon alike.

She slapped her hand to the wall, channeling the power and the blood coating it. “Anum caru. Anum candrae. Belifrite toleran solorin. Anum secrata.” She turned as the king growled.

“What have you done?” his voice roared through the cavern.

“Ensured your body is trapped in your current realm. You are a monster, and I would rather take my chances against Deruthel.”

The king punched the portal as cracks appeared in the stone. The portal didn’t open. It pulsed.

Unsure if the words would be enough she repeated them. “Anum caru. Anum candrae. Belifrite toleran solorin. Anum secrata.” The cracks continued to pulse, and the intensity increased.

The king smacked the chalice from her hands. It bounced along the ground as black blood spattered the wall. “Speak the words to open the portal.”

Riley shook her head. Words filtered through her head, but she was unsure where she had learned them. “Thread of the universe, hear my plea. Sever the ties that bind this world, so we may be free.”

The king slapped his hands to the rock as it crumbled. “No!”

Riley slit her wrist and put it to Colton’s mouth. She wasn’t sure if her blood was strong enough to break the connection, but she had to try. He pushed her away, and she fell to the ground, looking up at him.

The fire in Colton’s eyes dimmed, and his natural color returned. He held out his hand to her. “You took an enormous risk.”

She let him help her up. “We don’t have much time. Ashkara is back in his realm, but the demons think you are him.”

Colton touched her face. “He will retake my body as soon as he has the chance. The severing takes time.”

Riley glanced at the glow emanating from the crumbling rock. “It’s over when the light goes out.”

Colton handed her his reaper blade. “I can’t do it myself. My alpha will not allow it. You must take my head before the king comes back. I won’t be his vessel.”

She stepped back. “No! The portal is closing permanently. You are not a viable vessel for him. Only Deruthel is.” She glanced at the demon general. He rose from the floor, but his eyes were his own. “Ashkara is planning something. He will try to take Deruthel, not you.”

Colton shook his head. “You can’t know that for sure.”

Riley met her mate’s sad eyes. “You’re right, but know this. I am not living in this world without you. Choose life or death, but do it for both of us.”

Colton swayed on his feet. “My mind feels like it was put in a blender.”

She wanted to go to him, but every demon would know the king would not hold her. He was incapable of gentleness. He would breed her and discard her as he had so many in the past. “I can imagine. Ashkara wasn’t a demon. He was a god. I’m surprised Deruthel was able to hold him back.”

Colton touched his temple. “I think that was because he was fighting two fronts. As the ties to this world are severed, he loses his connection. He was already weakening when you gave me blood.”

She looked for Ferguson in the clusters of demons fighting the shadows. “Order the demons to chase Ferguson. He will know it’s you.”

Colton frowned. “Are you sure?”

“Not even Deruthel would chase Ferguson in a pathway. The general is wary of him. That reaper is far more powerful than any of us realize.”

Colton yelled over the horde. “Chase the reaper named Ferguson. I want him brought to me.”
