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Him:Today we discussed the quasi-opportunistic distributed execution of demanding parallel computing software in grids.

Me:Are you speaking English?

Him:Sorry. Forgot who I was talking to!

Me:Me >And I include a picture of Homer Simpson.

Him:LOL. You’re more like Marge with the hair.

Me:I’m going to dye it blue now.

Him:Noooo! I love that you’re naturally blonde. (I checked.)


Then he disappears for four hours before returning with a photo of Gus with a bird sitting on his head.

Once he sent me a selfie with the caption:This is to prove I’m working. Do you think I need some sleep?The photo shows him with two days’ worth of stubble, ruffled hair, and dark shadows under his eyes, although the sexy smile is still the same.

I save it as wallpaper on my phone, then send him one back that I take in the mirror wearing just my bra and knickers and a pout.

Him:Whoa. That’s a much better selfie than mine.

Me:Glad you like it!

Him:I’m going to show the team.

Me:Don’t you dare!

Him:I won’t. This one’s all for me. Think I need to take some personal time.

I sigh at the thought of him doing a little DIY while he’s looking at the photo.

Me:Miss you.

Him:Miss you too. Not long now.

I can’t remember when he said he’d be finished—I think he wanted to get the report to Elizabeth before the end of the year, which is Saturday.

Therefore, when the doorbell goes on Friday around six p.m., I’m not even thinking about him when I go to answer it.

I open the door, and there he is, leaning against the wall of the porch, hands in the pockets of his black jeans, smiling.

“Mack!” Exultant, I throw my arms around his neck, and he laughs and hugs me.

“Mmm, I missed you.” He buries his face in my neck and inhales. “I’d forgotten how amazing you smell.”

I’m so pleased to see him that my throat tightens and tears prick my eyes. I hadn’t realized until that moment how afraid I was that he’d change his mind over the days we were apart and decide he wouldn’t want to see me again.

“Hey.” He moves back and holds my face in his hands. “Is everything okay? How’s your dad?”

I rub my nose, trying to control my emotions. “He’s good. Very tired, and he’s been nauseous, and had a few headaches. But not too bad.”

He strokes his thumbs over my cheeks, then bends and kisses me. I sigh and lean against him, and we exchange the sweetest kiss I’ve ever had, bathed in the warm early evening sun.

When he eventually moves back, I give a short laugh and take a slow, shaky breath. “How’s the project going?”

“Done,” he says. “I’ve just had a meeting with Elizabeth to officially hand it over.”
