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“The ones I like are… um… quite… um… racy.”

“You’re aFifty Shadesfan?” He doesn’t say it with the scorn that so many people do.

“Yeah, I mean, I’m not particularly into the S&M part, but I like the hotter stories.” Jesus, am I really talking about bondage with this guy I’ve just met?

But he just nods. “Fiction can be a good way of exploring fantasies, I guess.”

“Yes.” I feel a bit more enthusiastic because he’s not making fun of it. “Anyway, I’ve always enjoyed creative writing, and so I thought I’d have a go at some stories myself. So I wrote a couple of shorts and let some of my friends read them.” My face flushes more at the memory. “They thought they were great, and one of them asked if she could give the stories to someone else she knew. And then somehow everyone was reading them. And that’s when the mocking started. I loved my stories and I was proud of them, but people kept saying I wrote porn. I’ve nothing against it, but I don’t believe that’s what my stories are. There’s a big difference, in my opinion, between a romance that features intimate love scenes, and porn that’s meant purely to get you off.”

That does make him smile, but he says, “Of course. I’m sure your stories are sensual and romantic. And sex is a healthy part of life and relationships, right? I’m sure writing and reading about it is a great way for women, especially, to share ideas and to learn from each other.”

“I think so.” I warm through at the thought that he understands. Okay, so now to admit the next part. “Well, after that, some of the girls said I should do some videos on social media. I thought it sounded fun, so I recorded some—not of me, but with text on a background, with poems and tips. And one small series went viral.”



“What was it about?”

I purse my lips. “Talking dirty.”

Now he’s smiling. “I see.”

“It gave people suggestions for how to talk dirty with their loved ones. I did three videos—beginner, intermediate, and advanced—with a guide on how to start, suggestions of what to say, that kind of thing. They’ve had over a million views. I still do a few videos each week. I’m constantly jotting down ideas. Like the poem you found. And now I’m writing a book.”

His eyebrows rise. “A book?”

“Yeah. A romance novel. I’m about halfway through. I want to write for a living. I’m doing as much as I can in my spare time, but what with the day job and cleaning in the evening, I don’t get as much time as I’d like.” I sigh.

“I bet your friends and family are impressed with that,” he says.

I give a little shrug. “My folks would be embarrassed. My friends would probably make fun of me. I haven’t told anyone. Except you. I have no idea why.”

“I guess I have that kind of face.”

We both smile.

He has a long drink of water, then sits back in his chair, legs stretched out, hands linked in his lap. “I’m intrigued as to what the difference is between the three levels of talking dirty.”

“If you watch my video, you’ll find out.”

“I might just do that. Is it under your real name?”

“God, no. I go by Whisper2Me on all my social media.”

He smiles. There’s a strange look in his eyes that gives me goose bumps.

“What does your boyfriend think about your business?” he asks.

“That wasn’t very subtle,” I scold.

“Points for trying?”

I laugh. “I’m single. And in answer to your question, I don’t usually tell guys about it. It tends to scare them off.”

“Really? I’d have thought they’d be all over a girl who was an expert in… ah… textual relations.”

“Oh I like that. I’m definitely writing that down.”
