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“Of course, we always make it a priority.”

“You personally, I mean?”

“Oh, no, sorry. I cleaned Marise’s room as normal. Usually Pippa does the management offices but she was off sick yesterday, so we had another girl fill in. Is there a problem?”

“No. Not at all. Was it the girl with the hair?”

She chuckles. “That’s her. Her name’s Sidnie, not like the city, but S-I-D-N-I-E. We all call her Sid.”

“Is she returning tonight?”

“No, Pippa’s back today.”

“Hmm. Do you know anything about her? Sidnie, I mean?”

“A little.” She sounds cautious, maybe wary of revealing any personal details about an employee to someone she hardly knows.

“I don’t want you to betray any confidences,” I tell her. “She left something in my office, by mistake, I think, and I was hoping to return it to her. In person.”

“I see.” She’s smiling now. “If you’re asking if she’s single, the answer is yes, as far as I know.”

I give a short laugh. “Okay.”

“Would you like me to send her in?”

“Yes please.”

“Let me contact her. I know she works during the day as a copywriter, I think. She cleans for us in the evenings. She probably has a lunch hour though. Would that work for you?”

“Yeah, I can make space around one, if she’s available.”

“Let me get back to you.”

We say goodbye and end the call.

In less than a minute, Nadine puts her through again.

“One o’clock,” Dodie says. “She’s terrified.”

“Why?” I ask, amused.

“If you need to ask that, Dr. Hart, there’s no hope for you at all. Good luck!”

“Thanks.” I end the call, a little puzzled. Terrified was an odd word to use. Still, maybe she’s read about me somewhere. Some people find wealth and power intimidating, and I admit I have more than my fair share of both.

It’s only nine, so I still have four hours to wait.

I take my empty coffee cup back into Nadine’s office and say, “Can you call the SMT and move them to two p.m.? I’m meeting with someone, and she can only come during her lunch hour.”

“Want me to organize a light lunch for you both?”

“Mmm, that would be nice, thank you.”

“Is it with Dodie?”

“No. Her name’s Sidnie.”

