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“So if I say yes, what will happen?”

“I’ll pick you up, say, three-ish? Give you time to have lunch with your folks? And then we’ll fly up.”

“Can you get a flight this late?”

“Sidnie, darling, I have my own plane. And a helicopter, but we can’t talk so much in that.”

“You have your own plane?”

“Yeah. You can have a glass of champagne on the way.”

“Oh my God. I’m totally coming.”

My lips curve up. “It’s not that good.”

“Mack! You’ve got sex on the brain.”

“And you haven’t?”

“Might have.” She giggles again. “So we’ll get to move to Intermediate level, then? Is that possible in the house with all your family around us?”

“We won’t stay here—there’s a lot of family and not many rooms. I’m in a tent tonight.”


I grin. “Yeah. Single guy has to kip on the sand. But I won’t subject you to that.”

“Squeezing into a one-man tent with you might be fun.”

I fantasize about it for a moment, then discard it. “No, I’ll book us into a hotel nearby. I want you in a bed. And I want walls around us for when I make you scream.”

“Ooh, Mack.”

“Sidnie, you have to learn that if you tease me, there will be consequences.”

“You’re going to make me pay?”

“Big time.”

“Mm. Now who’s the tease?”

I smile. “Three p.m. at your folks’ house?”

“Three p.m.”

I pause and look up at the moon. “I can’t believe it’s Christmas Eve.”

“I know. I haven’t been feeling Christmassy at all, but now I feel as if someone’s given me a ginormous parcel with a big red bow, and I can’t open it until the morning. I’m so excited.”

I chuckle. “You can unwrap me tomorrow.”

“Oh, you can count on that.”

“Merry Christmas, Sid.”

“Merry Christmas, Mack.”

I end the call.
