Page 54 of Shadows and Runes

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The dark figure drags its attention toward Lucien in the air, its blackened eyes narrowed toward him, once again calling forth his black smoke.

Ilyric, now free of the beasts, who lie in pieces below him, sees the dark figure and black smoke behind him. He turns his gaze to the air and is met with a smugly grinning Lucien.

Ilyric's face contorts slightly, the annoyance of being helped by Lucien of all people visible in his synched jade eyes.

Mirin’s voice yells out in anger to my left, pulling my attention back to her as she calls out to Callyn.

Another of the dark-cloaked beings was holding Callyn in the air with its black-clawed hand. Callyn gasps and struggles for air against the creature's grip.

Mirin forms a larger fiery orb, twice the size of the previous one, in her palm, ready to help him, when suddenly she's attacked by three large shifters from behind.

Derric defends her, blocking the attack with a large metallic staff he’s holding. He skilfully dodges another attack and pushes them back, giving Mirin some time to adapt and attack. They both work together to fight the three shifters. Derric uses close-range combat and staff techniques to keep the beasts at bay, while Mirin attacks from a distance, landing the final blows to the beasts.

I turn toward a gasping sound, finding Callyn thrashing against the black claw, tightly choking him, fighting for each breath as he struggles against its grip.

In a final attempt to fight back, he whips out an intricate-looking blade and throws it toward the dark-cloaked figure.His aim is on point as it sinks into the being's shoulder, not far from its neck.

The dark figure throws Callyn through the air, sending him into the bookshelf across the room, cracking the dark mahogany wood into splinters, and destroying the books left in it. A sharp pain pulls at my heart as I watch a lone red torn hardback ricochet toward my feet.

Trembling, I narrow my eyes and grit my teeth toward the dark figure making its way toward the wounded Callyn.His eyes shake as he sways, trying to pick himself up to fight again.

I take a step toward them, calling to my power. It quickly flares to life, lighting up my runes and gleaming brightly all over my body. I feel the strength coursing through me as I make my way closer to them.The black smoke lashes out the nearer I come, billowing out toward me, magic clashing against my skin, the attacks ineffective as I continue to make my way to them.

The dark being's attention turns fully to me as I stand just feet before him, his eyes dark globes as he opens his mouth, a hollow sound pouring from his pale and veined lips.

Suddenly the black smoke changes its form. It twists and curves into something more solid and quickly coils around my limbs, trying to halt my movements. More coils begin to form and spread around my body, twisting and stretching to my arms and waist.

Unfortunately for him, I trained with a Necromancer daily for well over a decade. Isaac always uses his full strength to push my abilities further each time. This wasnothing.

One pull from my strength and the hold on my legs comes undone. I twist my hand forward and grip the coils wrapping around me. My runes blazing on my skin as I rip the coils on my arms and waist off, throwing them like rags to the ground. The darkened figure flinches as I slowly smirk.

I make a run toward the cloaked being just as he reaches his dark pointed claws toward me. He calls more of his powers to his side, the black smoke swirling around him and beginning to move quickly.

But I won't give him the time.

I faint left before jumping right, kicking off the broken bookshelves around Callyn. I take to the air, leaping toward the dark figure, before coming down quickly onto its back. I push him forward, and, grabbing the blade still left near his neck, I slice it across his throat, pulling a gurgling noise from him as his black blood pours to the ground around me.

The dark-cloaked figure falls to the ground limply as Callyn scrambles away from its descending body. He looks at me as I stand above the figure. I flip the blade in my hand before throwing it back toward Callyn. I won't let the Interitusor anyone hurt what's mine any longer. The Records and the Library aremineto protect.They may have wrecked this area and ruined my precious books, but I would rebuild, and theInteritus…they would pay.

A large mutated shifter roars as it rushes toward me from the Library entrance. My power flares waiting for the oncoming attack, ready to defend myself against the beast. But just as it reaches me, it halts, its movements frozen, and its eyes widen with terror and agony before it quickly drops to the ground. Its back now blackened with a crater at its center, and a large chunk of its back burned, with its skin flaking like ash around the cavity.

I turn toward the figure standing behind the beast.

Cole.His eyes are pure silver as his face twists in fury, staring at the dead creature below him.His brows narrow in disgust toward the beast, a look on his face as if he wants to revive it to kill it again. He breaks his stare and turns to me, his brow furrowed and eyes pinched as he scans my body for something.

“Did he hurt you?” He scowls, his eyes searching every inch of me, a slight nod to his head when he sees I’m unhurt.

“I can handle myself,” I tell him as I nod to the dead being by my feet.

His eyes widen slightly before a small tilt spreads across his lips. ”Impressive.”

A soft look spreads to his eyes, a warm tingle stretching across my chest with his gaze.

My brows narrow with the familiar feeling.

“Cole—” I’m cut short by a large dark figure jumping over my head and knocking another beast, edging near us, to the floor. The large wolf's paw lays its weight on the defeated beast underneath him. The beast flails, trying to escape, and in one swift move, the wolf rips out the creature's neck, black blood pouring from its teeth.

Jace’s wolf turns around toward Cole and me, a savage look in its eyes.
