Page 72 of Cold Salvation

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“I saw a woman come into the lobby this morning.” He went back to typing on his keyboard.

“And?” I prompted.

He shrugged and didn’t say anything.

I held back a sigh, thankful I could feel my wallet in my jeans, and pulled out a fifty-dollar bill. His eyes lit up.

“Oh, yes!Thatgirl. I saw her with some big Hispanic guy. Now that you mention it, I tried to get her attention, wondering if she was checking out, but she looked right at me and didn’t say anything back. It was kind of rude.”

“A big Hispanic guy?” I asked, confusion lacing my words.

I didn’t think Hana knew anyone here. She never even knew where my parents moved. Why would she have left with anyone? I had more questions than answers, and no Hana to ask.

I called her again. No answer.

I sent a quick text to Logan, hoping he had contact with her.

My phone pinged back immediately. Logan hadn’t heard from Hana since last night. I didn’t want to assume the worse yet, so I headed back to our room to wait.

I took a shower. I got properly dressed. An hour passed.

I called her mom. Not wanting to panic Mrs. Lee, I patiently let my adoptive mom express her condolences for my dying biological father. I told her about the visit to the hospital, then finally asked the question I had been holding back out of politeness.

“Mrs. Lee. Have you heard from Hana this morning?”

“No, no. Not yet. She will call me soon, I hope.”

I said my goodbyes and called Logan. He picked up on the first ring.

“Is everything okay? Did your dad pass? Do you need me to come out there?” he rushed.

“No, Lo. Listen—I can’t find Hana. She’s not answering my calls, and she hasn’t contacted you or her parents either. Do you know anyone else she might contact?”

“No. Hana only talks to us. She never made friends while with Luke, and then everything happened and…well, it’s just been us. How do you know she is missing?”

“She would never just take off without leaving a note. She left her purse—”

“I’m checking her location now. Maybe she took a walk to see the sights.”

“I—” A ping from a text message cut in. “Wait. She just wrote us on the group chat.” I pulled up the message thread.

“What the fuck!” I heard Logan yell through the phone.

I understood his horror. A picture of a bloody and beaten Hana tied-up and gagged popped up on the screen.


Hana:Do you know where your precious baby girl is?
