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Nolan catches me and sets the tray of coffee down.

He pulls me in and hugs me tight. “He calledyou.” He runs his hand through his hair. “Sometimes things just fit, and apparently, he needs you and—”

“I love him.” I blurt out.

He nods as he soaks it all in. “Then go save him like he saved you.”

I hesitate outside his door for a second, then pull up my big girl panties and walk in.

He’s hooked up to every machine imaginable, and the beeping is causing a ruckus. Won’t they cause his headache to keep pounding?

“Hey, how are you?” I stand off to the side, playing my fingers on the cool railing nervously, my voice soft and my heart freezing in my chest.

He smiles at me and my heart starts beating again. “Better. That was really—”

“Scary.” We both say together.

I tiptoe my way to him. “I’m sorry, Evan. Sorry for not listening. Sorry for assuming you were breaking up with me. At least, I hope you don’t want to.”

His hand grabs mine like he’s done from our very first meeting.

It fits and it is perfect.

“Die Hardis on.” He points at the TV.

I bite my lip, even though a smile quirks its way out. “Doctor says you’re going to be here through Christmas. Maybe we can have a marathon?”

“I’d love that.” He pulls me closer to him.

“And then… maybe… you come to my place, and… I’ll take care of you there.” I can’t meet his eyes, so I stare at the bed.

“Permanently?” he asks.

My eyes reach for him. “If you want.”

“Never wanted anything more.”

My nerves evaporate, and I lean down and kiss my Christmas miracle.

“Love you, Evan.”

“Love you, too.”

We make-up in spectacular fashion with a kiss that I swear melts my winter boots and sets every machine beeping until the nurse rushes in and shakes her head at us, but she says nothing.

Yippee ki yay…

It’s time to be happy andhealthy, very Merry Christmas.




“And on top…” I reach up and place the angel, one that looks remarkably like the woman standing next to me.

We step back and admire a decorated tree that is surrounded by red and white poinsettias. They’re her favorite flower. She’s my favorite flower for how she’s blossomed in front of me.
