Page 1 of Who We Love

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I tapthe wheel while waiting for the light to change green. I’m only a couple blocks away from the penthouse.

Fucking traffic was a killer after the concert.

Thea isn’t answering her phone, and something tells me she’s not okay.

Just as I’m about to turn left, there’s another detour.“I swear, one more red light, and I’m abandoning the car.”

“I told you walking would’ve been faster,” Tristan says. “Hey, aren’t those your parents?”

Tristan taps my arm. I glance at where he’s pointing toward the opposite sidewalk. I see a couple of silhouettes. My focus goes back to the road just as I almost crash into the car in front of us, which isn’t moving.We’re yet again stuck at a red light. Fuck!

I blink a couple of times to make sure I’m not hallucinating. “Yes, it’s them. Is that Thea? What’s wrong with her?”

Tristan leans, squinting his eyes. “I think it’s her, why are they there?”

Something is not right. I wait until we move, then look both ways, press the gas pedal, run the light, and make a U-turn, almost hitting the median strip.

“Fuck, what’s the matter with you? Are you trying to get us killed?”

I don’t listen to Tristan. I have to get to our girl.

Several drivers honk at me. I almost abandon the car, but instead, I park, shut down the engine, and take out the keys.

“Thea! Butterfly!”

Both my parents freeze when they hear my voice. Thea’s body stiffens, and my heart screams that something is very wrong.

“What are you doing over here?” I yell as soon as I catch up to them. I take off my leather jacket and wrap it around a shivering Thea. “You’re freezing, baby. Why aren’t you at my place?”

She doesn’t answer. In fact, she seems completely vacant. Her eyes are watching her phone, which drips with vomit and rain.

I glance at my parents. “Papa, Dad?”

They shake their heads and shrug, indicating they’re just as clueless as I am.

“We’re going to take you home.” I draw circles on her back while helping her walk toward the car.

She tries to fight me, but she doesn’t have the strength to fight.

My parents remain silent during the short walk, but both look concerned. Either they’re about to lecture me, or they’re worried about Thea.

“Why don’t we go to my place so you can change?” I look at my parents. “Afterward, I’ll take you to your house.”

Tristan is already behind the wheel, his eyes focused on Thea, who hasn’t responded to me yet.

“Dad, you sit up front with Tristan.” I open the back door. “I’ll ride with Thea and Papa in the back. She’s too cold.”

I adjust her seat belt before settling in and hugging her against me. There’s no resistance, but her body isn’t molding to mine either.

“In two hundred feet, take a—” The screen of her phone goes black.

“My phone died,” her soft voice murmurs. “I only have my keys. The keys to a place that won’t exist anymore. I don’t belong anywhere. I never belonged. He took everything away from me. Everything.” Her silent sobs are killing me. “And he’s back.”

Who the fuck is she talking about?
