Page 23 of Who We Love

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Is she asking because she’s ready for more? I push her slightly, and those crystal-clear eyes are filled with desire.

“What are you talking about?” I don’t want to push anything and then have her freak out because I had no idea when to stop. “Are you ready?”

“No. Maybe… I’m—”

She sighs in frustration before continuing, “Earlier, Coop and I had something similar going on, and I want to, but then the questions swirl around.”

“We trust you. It’s time you give yourself credit and trust yourself.” My mouth reaches for her lips, but the kiss doesn’t last as long.

“See, I have these questions, and my therapist thinks maybe I should start small. One at a time,” she whispers in my ear, hugging my neck.

I place my hands on her waist, wishing she was still dressed in that barely-there knitted top I found her in earlier. All skin and no fabric.

She sighs. “Why does it always come down to choosing?”

I shrug. “I love you, and Tristan does too. We’re doing this the old-fashioned way.”

“I love you more than yesterday,” she whispers, biting my earlobe. “I can’t wait for tomorrow. I’ll love you even more then.”


“Always and forever.” She grins.

“This coming Friday night, I’m taking you out on a date.” I wink at her, not yielding to questions or protests. Tristan is aware of my plans, and he doesn’t have a problem with it. He took her out last Saturday. “Let’s go. Dad’s waiting for us. He’s bored, and maybe creating a show will get him out of Papa’s hair.”

I open my door and help her get down from that awkward position without hurting her.

“Don’t forget my boxes. I’ll be working while we discuss this,” she says, opening the back seat and taking some bags she brought along.

As she steps onto the porch, Dad opens the door and takes the bags she holds with one hand and hugs her with his free arm. Thea’s face brightens, and that face is what makes my entire day. She assures me that loving me is amazing but being part of the Decker family is the cherry on top of her happiness. I’m glad I can give her that thing she never had—family life.

Matt: Dinner at my parents’.

Coop: It’s Wednesday, not Sunday.

Matt: We’ve been working, and Thea offered to cook for them. My grandma arrived, and now it’s a party.

Coop: Love to, but I don’t have time for those impromptu parties. I have work. See you later tonight. Try not to use our week with Thea at your family’s place.

I don’t even answer that text.

After meeting his parents, I understand why he has so much trouble showing any affection. Except to Thea.

That woman has a way of drawing so much emotion and affection out of him without even having to ask. Well, if he’s upset by the time we arrive home, she’ll be the one to tame the lion within him.

One more time, I stare at the master schedule on our whiteboard and decide that joining them in the kitchen is a much better idea than trying to continue working by myself. Work can come later, for now, I’ll enjoy family time. Savor whatever my girl cooks for us and enjoy the evening.



My parents have been blowingup my phone since Wednesday. It’s been hard to cope with their visit, but I’m handling it the best I can without professional help since I couldn’t get an appointment with my therapist until today.

“I’m too old to be under their grasp,” I sigh. “It’s been years since… they—”

“We already analyzed this part, Tristan. What happened to you during that summer was physical and mental abuse. You have to stop being so hard on yourself.”

We’ve discussed it several times, but no matter how often we conclude that gay conversion therapy only left shame, pain, and self-hatred in its wake, I still can’t accept it fully because it makes me a victim.
