Page 37 of Who We Love

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Matt’s legsbounce in wild motion, his hands drumming against his thighs. The speed and strength of his limbs make me stay away from him. I want to squeeze his knee to calm him, perhaps give him a hug, but I opt to sit by his side while we wait for the doctor to update us on his grandma’s condition.

“Matthew James, stop,” Ainsley commands, making me jolt. The entire family is edgy. I wish I could do something for them, but like them, I wait. “You’re driving everyone crazy.”

“Really, dude, air drumming is so last century.” Jacob walks toward us and takes a seat right next to his brother. “You’re scaring your girl with all that nonsense. You’re scaring me, so can you keep it down? What happened to silence is golden?”

“That caged animal imitation is perfect, Mattie.” Ainsley rises from her seat and stands in front of us. “But keep it up, and I’ll throw you out of the window.”

I place an arm around Matt, kissing his arm. “Anything I can do to take away your stress?” He’s usually the laid-back one of the triplets—never stresses—or at least he covers it pretty well. Not today. “Ask, and you shall receive,” I whisper.

Matt’s neck angles my way, and a mischievous glint flashes in those playful blue eyes.

He opens his mouth when Chris says, “I hate hospitals. You three make them intolerable.”

I move my attention to where he and his husband sit. His bright green eyes crinkle, amused as he watches his three children, then diverts his attention to his husband. Gabe’s elbows rest on his legs, and his head hangs on his hands. The man mirrors his son’s anguish.

Chris traces circles on his back, easing the tension on his stiff spine. Without giving it a thought, I copy it and do the same with Matt.

“We complained when they were babies,” Chris comments using a light voice, I guess trying to distract his husband. “But they’re worse now. Mattie, walk out the nerves. You too, Jacob. That’s why Matt’s all wired up. You’re too chatty. Ainsley, don’t yell at your brothers, and head out with them to make sure they don’t kill each other.”

The three frown as they watch their father. Chris gives them a stern glare and waits for them. Neither one moves, so he points at the door and raises his voice. “Now.”

“Dude, we’re not five,” Jacob complains as Matt pushes him lightly with his fist and they both laugh.

“I’m your father, and that’s how you’re behaving,” Chris retorts. “Gabe and Grandpa James need peace while they wait for the doctor to give us the good news that your grandma is out of surgery and on her way to recovery.”

“Let’s go,” I say, grabbing Matt by the arm. “We can find you something better to do.”

“Like the janitor’s closet,” he suggests close in my ear, making me shiver. “There are a few things that may relax me.”

“Twink, let’s go and find our own closet,” Jacob announces too loudly.

“You two are disgusting,” Ainsley complains, but she rushes through the doorway with Mason in hand. “Come on, Ten, you’re the expert. Let’s find something roomier than a closet.”

The couple disappears too quickly through the stream of people walking down the hall.

I have second thoughts about being outside the private waiting room. The noise, the crowd, and the lack of sleep hit me like an industrial hammer. Forget the closet. I have to search for a coffee shop or go back to the cafeteria for some dark caffeinated liquid to bring me back to life.

“So, why is it that broody man didn’t join us?” Jacob doesn’t catch up with his sister, nor does he try to escape with his wife either. “You know the ass forbids me to talk about his relationship with you in public. Not sure what the three of you are doing, but…”

He pats Matt’s back. “I’m here if you need me, Bro.”

“Thank you for being there for him. I just stayed outside, in case there’s a reporter around,” Tristan, who was in the public waiting room, says as he joins us. “It’s not that I don’t want to be there, I just don’t want to start any rumors.”

He reaches for Matt’s hand and squeezes it. “You okay?”

I shake my head. “He needs a closet and S. E. X.”

Tristan laughs. “Ironic.”

“Car,” Pria proposes, taking Jacob’s hand. “We brought your SUV. We should use the back.”

Jacob grins, his face brightens, and he gives her that Decker smirk that only means trouble. “Oh, Twinkle, I knew you’d convert sooner or later, kinky girl.” He salutes us. “Please, don’t call if you need me.”

The truck, in plain daylight? “Are they for real?” I ask Matt as I see them fighting the crowd to get to the parking lot.

“If you ever need help erasing a sex tape, don’t come crying to me,” Tristan mumbles under his breath.

“I wish he had heard you,” Matt says, almost laughing. “Pria is too prudish for that.”
