Page 64 of Who We Love

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Matt: You do that. She’s worried about your father’s condition. When we’re done with this crisis, we can travel to Greenwich if you need us.

Tristan: Thank you, we’ll discuss that later.

“Any news?” My mother steps into the waiting room.

“None other than he’s in the ICU. Why don’t you go and stay with him?”

My mother sits, her shoulders squared. Her posture perfect. Not a hair out of place. The portrait of a perfect wife and mother. She’s looking ahead as if lost in thought. I’m not even sure if she heard me.

She finally clears her throat lightly. “I know you want to blame Fey, but you did this, Tristan. God is punishing us for your sins.”

She opens her purse, takes out a tissue, and pats her eyes dry.

“Father Andrew is waiting for you. But I doubt anyone can forgive you after what you did. A man, Tristan. A man. I thought we were past this deplorable behavior. Victoria’s parents are threatening to pull out of our agreement. Your father already has enough problems. Their company is important to us.” My mother stands and takes a step toward me. “How dare you.”

“The Hudsons are in the hole, just like the Coopersons, Mother. If you think merging is going to save you, you’re wrong. They’re posers just like you. I bet their plan is to save their company by getting together—that’s not going to happen. My private life is just that, mine. For the next few days, I’ll stay to see that my father is taken care of and try to fix Cooperson Corporation. I’ll do it because for some fucking reason I love you and Father.”

Mother’s cold stare lands on me for a few beats before she jerks away, wordless.

Setting aside my family, I head outside the hospital, wondering where I’m heading tonight after what I’m about to do. I take out my cellphone and queue up one of my two favorite phone numbers. Unicorns don’t exist, and fantasies don’t last forever. Reality knocked my ass back on the ground and it’s time to lead with reason. I have to protect those I love, even if it rips my heart from my chest.

“Hi.” Her sweet voice answers on the first ring. “How’s your father? How are you?”

“Hi, Butterfly, how are you?” I ask, taking a deep breath. “Did Matt’s family take the news well?”

“About who my father is and who I was? Yes, they did,” she responds with a low voice. “The Deckers are pretty understanding and supportive. We’re all worried about you, and your father.”

“He’s out of surgery, and…” I study the pavement, staring at the spot where I stand while I prioritize, putting what really matters first. “Is Matt around? I need to talk to you both.”

“What’s going on, Coop?” she asks. I don’t answer, only wait. “Mattie, Coop wants to talk to us.”

The background noise behind them dies. I know the call is still connected, but I can’t hear them.

“Ready when you are. You’re on speaker. Is everything okay?” Thea asks again. My heart thumps loudly, and my limbs feel numb.

“Thea, baby, I’m sorry…” I begin. “My sister—”

“We know,” Matt interrupts. “And unless you want us to stop, our lawyers are ready to press charges.”

In the midst of everything, I chuckle at that. “Go ahead. The bitch deserves whatever you decide to do,” I say, not worrying about my sister or her fate.

Gasping for air, I force myself into saying it, letting the words that are clumped inside my throat come out. “The thing is, I read everything. This is… too much for me to handle.” Fuck, my eyes burn as I think of what’ll happen to us after all is said and done. Just do it, Cooperson. “It’s pushing my hard limit. I can’t continue… this.”

“Wait, Coop—what do you mean?” Thea’s voice trembles. “We’re together forever, remember? I’m not that girl anymore. You know that, right? Please, tell me you know that… that I’m not her.”

No, shit, don’t fuck it up, I remind myself. Don’t make it sound like it’s her fault, dumbass. “I know, Thea. That’s not the problem. We’ve talked about my hard limits before. This is one that I’m not willing to push. I’m done.”

I hear Matt’s heavy breath come through the phone. “Fuck you, Tristan,” he growls. “I thought you had changed, but I guess not. You can’t stop being a selfish bastard and fight for the two people who love you?”

“Sorry, I’m done fighting.” I muster up the coldest voice I have. “Thea, I hope you stay strong. The woman I know is nothing like that girl.”

I can hear the sound of her tears coming through the line, and it breaks my fucking heart. “Coop, please don’t do this. Don’t leave us,” she begs.

“Goodbye,” I say, ending the call, my heart practically shuddering at the realization of what I’ve just done. I turn toward the busy street and let the sound of the traffic drown out the voice in my head shouting at me that I just made the biggest mistake of my life.

But Thea comes first. Always Thea.

