Page 74 of Who We Love

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I don’t know what pisses me off more. The fact he won’t look me in the eye, or the fact he is so eagerly scanning the area for Thea.

“She’s not here.” I grit my teeth.

His eyes finally meet mine, if only for a second, before darting away again. “Of course.” He straightens, buttoning his suit jacket.

“Enjoy your evening,” he says to the entire table, not acknowledging me any further, before disappearing back into the crowd.

It was on the tip of my tongue to offer him the money to buy him out of Silver Moon, but I didn’t. I hate to say it, but I need him. No one knows how to manage a bar better than him. There’s no fucking way I’m selling my part. That bar belongs to us: Thea and me.



The bad boy has grown.

Something inside him has changed, matured. And it wasn’t just the tuxedo that made him look so goddamned delectable.


Underneath that sexy, classy exterior is a wiser man. My heart felt it, just as it ached by his proximity.

Fuck, to think that once I had him.

I rub my hands over my face, trying to clear the image of him from my mind, but it isn’t working.

The reality is that he’s moved on without me. Not only him, but also Thea. They are in a different place. A happy place where I can’t reach them. Where I shouldn’t reach them. I should just let them be.

They deserve their happiness. A knock on the door takes my attention away from my thoughts. Pins and needles shoot through my heart as I wonder if it’s him behind the door. “What?”

Anxiety floods my veins when the door opens and he appears behind it. “Why?”

I stare at him dumbfounded “Excuse me?”

“I fucking hate you!” His voice bounces throughout the walls.

I rub my eyes and rise from my seat. “You should leave.”

He shakes his head. “We promised—”

Is he here to get an explanation, closure… Does it matter? I need him to leave, now. Leave before I beg him to forgive me and take me back. I can’t. Thea comes first.

“Promises are there to be broken. I’m terrible at following through,” I lie.

He laughs. It’s a hysterical, angry laugh. “No. I broke it. You kept it. Your loyalties know no boundaries. You said that if at any point she was in danger, you’d leave.”

He scrubs his face with both hands, but the laughter doesn’t go away. “You fucking left.”

I’ve never seen Matthew this upset, even maniacal. It’s as if he’s losing his shit.

“Why didn’t I see it?” he continues.

And I have to stop him. “I don’t understand what you’re trying to say, and maybe it’ll be best—”

“No, you don’t fucking get to kick me out and keep being the hero of the story. The martyr who sacrificed everything for love. You fucking broke my heart.” His voice comes out desperate, like a wounded animal.


“Don’t fucking say that it was for the best. You ripped us apart. You shredded my heart and it’s barely beating. I failed her because you destroyed me. And now… I’m working hard to do what you wanted me to do. Erase you from my life.”
