Page 25 of Who We Are

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“That’s what you’ve been hiding from me. I knew it, I flipping knew it. Why the hell are you hiding it?” Her voice echoes.

I remain silent because she’s not going to like the answer. Ainsley fought my parents for years because they hid their relationship. My sister can’t and won’t allow them to hide it ever again, and I know she’s going to have a hard time understanding why I can’t… Fuck, not even I understand why I’m doing this anymore.

The thrill and novelty of having sex with him is gone. Yes, I like when we’re together. I enjoy him, but is it worth pushing myself to become someone I don’t like?

Maybe not, but I can’t analyze that shit right now.

“It’s complicated, Ainse,” I respond with the weakest, most stupid words I can find.

Ainsley opens her arms, and of course I can’t help but step inside her protective hug and let her take some of the pain that’s building in my chest.

“Get out of whatever you two are doing before you fall for him, because he’s going to hurt you,” she says in a low voice. “I’m here for you, Mattie. We all are. You don’t need someone who doesn’t love who you are and can’t be honest with himself.”

My sister’s words pull the corners of my lips upward. She knows me too well, and she’s right. No one will put me in a situation where I don’t feel comfortable.

“Don’t worry, Ainsley. I don’t have feelings for him, so it’ll be easy to terminate our rendezvous,” I tell her, all the while pretending my chest isn’t hurting. Maybe in the end that’s what will have to happen, but of course, I don’t want to lose my friend. If I do this the smart way, I should be able to keep him.




This day can’t getany worse.

At least that’s what I think until I step into the elevator and my phone rings.

It’s my father. Again.

He’s been calling since eight o’clock this morning. I should send him to voicemail, but I give up. “Father.”

“Tristan, you haven’t called your mother. She’s concerned.”

Concerned about what? That she can’t manipulate me?

I suppose I love the woman. After all, she’s my mother. I just can’t handle talking to her often. Listening to her rambling about what’s happening in her social circle, begging me to head back home and take over the family company.Ormarry Victoria Hudson, the heiress to Hudson Advertising Corporation.

A company my father would love to acquire by marriage. I have no interest in either Victoria or the company.

“Father, I’m busy. Can you get to the point?” I press my head against the steel wall of the elevator.

“I want to confirm your attendance.” I open my eyes, staring at the murky evening, hoping that lightning will strike and I’ll forget his fucking call. “We have a board meeting this Thursday, and your brother is getting engaged over the weekend.”

Engaged? To whom? I have to talk to him. Sounds unbelievable that Mother let Dylan marry his high school sweetheart. She hates her because she doesn’t have any class.

Unless she manipulated him and he finally broke up with her.

Ding, ding, ding, that’s the answer. Dylan is the perfect puppet of Viviane and Ferdinand Cooperson. I’m the black sheep. The one that can’t understand social cues and norms. If I had a dollar for each time my father has beaten the fuck out of me for not being perfect, I could retire.

“I don’t have time for board meetings or engagement parties, Father.”

His heavy breath comes down the line. I can almost see the blood vessels in his neck pulsating and about to burst.

“Make time, Tristan. We need you.”

I cringe at his words because of the deep-seated obligation I feel.

“Your mother is counting on you. Try not to fail her this time.”
