Page 53 of Who We Are

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Maybe next time, I shouldn’t disclose my background. Everyone lies, why not me?

“Humor me.” He winks at me. “The worst that can happen is not getting you any help.”

No, the worst will be him learning everything that’s wrong withme. “I have to go, Butterfly. Send that over soon. I’ll have the file sent to you by noon.” Matt brushes some strands of hair behind my ear and kisses my cheek. “Have a good night.”

How can I when I have to pack my things and leave before I lose the little I’ve had because I can’t keep it together.



The faint soundof the phone wakes me up. I extend my arm to answer it without checking who’s calling me. “Yo?” I yawn.

“Matthew, can you explain that résumé you sent over?” Papa’s growl comes through the phone.

I try to scrub the sleep out of my eyes while checking the alarm clock.

Damn him! He always seems to call when I’m dead asleep.

“A ‘check out this résumé’ did fucking nothing for me. You do know I plan to run a serious practice, right? What am I supposed to do with someone who has zero experience?”

“Morning, Pops.” My words come out after a big yawn. “Look, I forgot to explain everything in the email—it was late. This girl has some kickass degrees that include some counseling shit. She needs more hours before getting her counseling license. Whatever that means. Thea says she needs someone to supervise those hours before she can work.”

That should be some lingo only counselors understand. Which is why I didn’t ask more about it and believed Papa would know right away. “As she can’t use her degree, right now she’s working at Reed’s, and she’s going to work with me on a project.”

“What kind of project?” I can almost see the knowing and hugely aggravating smirk. Ugh, of course he’s asking that, and I have no answer for him. Why the hell does he call when I’m only half awake?

“Are you sleeping with her?”

“Dude, I never mix pleasure with business.” The butterfly wouldn’t be a casual fuck, so I don’t explain further.

“I’m not a dude, Matt. I’m trying to figure this out, Son.” The line goes silent, and I double-check that he didn’t leave me hanging.

“What’s wrong, Papa?”

His loud sigh comes through the line.

“Your father is adjusting to having his parents close by, and I’m trying to hire counselors for the practice…” He pauses.

I hear a few doors opening and closing, and finally, he continues, “Maybe retiring wasn’t exactly what your father should’ve done. Gabe needs a hobby.”

I scratch my throat as I head to the kitchen for coffee. Unfortunately, there’s nothing in the pot. I forgot to set it to automatic brewing.

“If he needs something to do, I can find him a script or two to read over,” I say, searching for the filters to make a fresh pot of coffee. “Maybe we can do a project together. That should keep him in semi-retirement but busy.”

“That sounds nice, but only if you have time. I don’t want you to overdo it, Mattie,” he warns, and I roll my eyes. “I’ll call this girl and give you an update. Try to visit more often. I miss you, boy. Don’t forget Sunday dinner is at home this weekend.”

“Miss you too, Papa.”

I hate when he’s overbearing, yet I love it too. Papa is one of the reasons why I’m capable of overcoming what I used to call my defects. He always believes in me, even when he hates that I can’t make up my mind and sometimes can’t finish what I start.

I’m passionate about a lot of shit, but the problem is, the passion often disappears too soon. Either because it dies down or because I find something much better to put my heart into. My family and music are the only two passions I’ll never get tired of, that fill my heart. It does worry me that I’m a fucked-up case who might never accomplish anything, but as long as my parents love me, miss me, and know who I am, I’m not alone, and I can continue my journey to find my real calling.



“Everything okay, Reed?”I answer when my phone rings.
