Page 56 of Who We Are

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“Let’s go for the teamwork option. That’ll give me a chance to be around you more,” he suggests.

Between the two of us, we clear the first round of bar orders in about twenty minutes, while serving the tables simultaneously. As the orders continue to arrive, we have a system already working. I’m impressed, he does know his way around the bar. Halfway through the last orders we received, the usual background music ceases.

“Because you asked for it, we have a special performance tonight.” Reed’s voice vibrates through the speakers. “Ladies and gentlemen, the Decker family.”

The audience’s momentary silence soon erupts into applause. Whistles and fangirl screams take over.

The Decker family? My eyes bulge as I finally move my gaze toward the front stage used for open mic night. Christian Decker adjusts his guitar, a woman around my age is in front of a keyboard, and Matt is behind the drums.

“Hey, everyone! Thanks for having us. We’re missing a member tonight—JC,” Chris Decker announces through the microphone, using that smile that never seems to leave his lips. A few grunts make themselves heard, but he claps and continues speaking. “But I think we can play a few songs without him.”

Bodies around the bar turn toward the stage as the music starts to play. Hypnotized by the notes, the lyrics, and the beat of the drums, which make my body vibrate, for the first time I enjoy the live music in this place. Song after song, they keep playing and singing, the crowd applauding, and I’m in a strange daze.

“They know how to work an audience,” Tristan mentions as one song ends and they move around. “You okay here, Thea?” I turn my neck and nod. “Good, I’m going to check on a few things. I’ll be back before they leave.”

Two tall, strong men walk to the stage, whisper something to Christian, and then escort the only woman in the band out of the bar. I believe it’s Matt’s sister. Christian takes off his guitar, and Matt moves to the center while holding an acoustic guitar.

I lean closer to the bar, watching him strum the strings. After the second strum, his eyes fall on me.

“This is the last song for the night. We thank you all for swinging by on such short notice. In appreciation, I’ll play one of my newest songs.” He winks, and I think it’s at me, takes a deep breath, and begins to sing.

I’m afraid, scared.

I’m scared of falling in love.

Scared of the pain and the rush.

But I know it’s too late to stop.

Because it’s her.


It’s in the tempo.

It’s in the phases of the moon.

A warning call to the weak-hearted fool.

This girl she’s honestly flawless.

The type of girl whose smile brings you to your knees in wait.

She leaves me breathless, a lucky disaster I can’t escape.

Will I be able to breathe without her again?

Because she’s becoming my light, my warmth.

The energy that keeps me awake.

My heart burns slow for her, while she glows.

Her smile is replacing the blood in my veins.


It’s in the tempo.
