Page 58 of Who We Are

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“Yeah. Thea does, and she’s been sober for years.”

I gasp at his words. He wasn’t supposed to tell that to anyone. Well, I never asked for his discretion, but I wouldn’t be telling everyone that he’s a recovering alcoholic.

Chris cocks an eyebrow. “You haven’t told anyone?”

I shake my head, taking small sips of air while ordering myself to keep my shit together. A panic attack is out of the question.

“Well shit, I’m sorry for running my mouth. Though it’s nothing to be ashamed about. I’m not saying that you should scream it to the four corners of the earth but sharing that with your friends and those you care about is part of your journey.”

“Six weeks, and he jabbered that to me,” Gabe informs. “But I think it was because we had become friends. He trusted me.”

“Nah, it was because he moved into my house, and I had to ensure he didn’t leave any alcohol around.”

Gabe gives him a stern look.

Chris walks toward him and kisses him. “I love you, and yes, it was because I trusted you, babe. Now drag me home. I want to make sure you know how much I like to trust you.”

“Ew, take your sexual innuendos somewhere else,” Matt protests, stepping closer to me. “We have rules. You two aren’t allowed to even think about sex while I’m around.”

“That was a great song, Matt. Have you recorded it yet?” Chris suddenly switches the conversation.

“It’s new. Ainsley and I have to work on it.” Matt tilts his head.

“You just came up with the song… that’s fucking awesome. Seriously, Mattie, I have never seen anyone do that before without fucking up at least a chord or a word. What is it? Candy, soda, a new car, a crafted beer?”

“Can we discuss the source of my inspiration at a later time, Papa?” Matt’s eyes shoot daggers at his father. “It just hit me, and it felt like the right song to close the performance. Please don’t make a big deal.”

Chris lifts his palms, shrugging. “I won’t, but knowit is a big deal, Matt. I’ll email you the recording tomorrow. Unless you want to come over for lunch, then I can help you polish it. Ainsley might be free.”

“T, time to head home,” Reed calls from the usual spot, close to the back room. “Matt can help us finish closing up shop.”

“It was nice meeting you,” I say to the Deckers, then move my eyes to Matt. “That was an awesome song. I loved it.”

He bends closer and whispers in my ear, “Gladyouloved it.”



Every once in a while,Seattle has one of those beautiful days—brilliant sky, perfectly illuminated by golden streaks and zero clouds. Lucky for me, today happens to be one. I packed my computer and headed to the park to celebrate such a glorious day.

I made my way to the green area. I found the perfect spot, far enough from the playground to avoid the distraction yet close enough to observe the movement. People and families fascinate me. As it’s a Saturday, the park’s visitors include couples pushing strollers, others jogging with their pets, and a plethora of specimens to observe and envy.

To the best of my recollection, I never shared these kinds of moments with my family. Unless I count the photoshoots for magazines. My parents were never part of the pictures, but they always hovered to ensure I did as I was told.

Snapping myself out of my reverie, I push my family out of my head. I spread my blanket and set my laptop on top of it. I’m almost done typing the manuscript. Next week will be dedicated to editing it and discussing with Matt where he wants to take the book.

A long sigh leaves my chest at the thought of Matthew Decker. Damn him and his sexiness. That charismatic man that smiles every time he sets his eyes on me. There’s not a moment when he isn’t sweet, yet his sex-on-a-stick persona makes my entire body go all quivery for him.

Matt and I have spent every night together for the past two weeks. The bond we’ve created makes me want to risk getting hurt. My brain comprehends that Matt is a lot of fun to play with, but he’s not the settling kind.

Though, it’d be nice if, just once, I could let myself dream of something else. Believe that someone would want to keep me. That if I open my heart and let someone inside, I’ll be loved—forever.

A small, multicolor, floral ball rolls over my computer, pulling me from my thoughts. I glance up, finding the beautiful smile of a toddler who watches me close before bending to retrieve the ball.

“Is this yours?” I lift the ball and hand it to her.

“Mine,” she says, her bright blue eyes glimmering while grabbing it with her chubby hands.
