Page 81 of Who We Are

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Jacob interrupted his honeymoon and flew back when he learned this was our last weekend. Both brothers had spent years in the establishment scouting talent. Once I heard the story, I helped organize thelast callconcert.

“We’re set.” I clasp Reed’s shoulder. “Enjoy the show.”

He nods and walks toward the stage where the Deckers are playing their father’s old stuff. The place is overflowing with fans, and I fear that maybe we admitted too many people inside. I don’t think we kept a head count as they started to arrive. I signal the security guard at the door to ensure no one else comes inside, then check that we have enough security inside.

Mason Bradley is coordinating that part of the concert. He assured us that we had enough manpower for a concert at a medium stadium. According to Gabe, the man has rescued presidents, defused bombs, and even stopped big drug organizations. With that kind of recommendation, I let my guard down and enjoy the night.

My eyes land on my girl, who leans against the counter, watching them play. I approach her, placing myself right behind her sweet, round ass. “You’re tempting me, Butterfly.”

She pushes herself lightly, as her upper body tries to straighten up. My dick hardens with the contact.

“I’m not there yet, Coop.” She leans her head against my shoulder. “You know, I can’t remember having sex without alcohol, or having sex with someone I care about,” Thea whispers.

“It’s a process, I have to look at it from a different angle. A loving angle. The next time, I should take it as my real first time. Which makes what we’re doing a mistake, the wrong thing for my mental sanity.”

“It sounds like we’re discussing that you need a loving relationship with someone who will care for you and make love to you. Butterfly, there’s love, lots of that included in what we offer.” I kiss her neck. “And we’ll discuss that part when it’s time. Let’s start our future slowly. I’m sure Matt will be on board.”

I can’t believe I just said that.That I’m open to discussing the possibilities. Her scent soothes me, and I understand why. I love her. We can find a solution later, but tonight I’ll enjoy her body against mine. I hold her by the waist and sway with her as the music takes over us.

“I swear, there’s no pressure,” I repeat as she trembles in my grip. Her breath quickens. If this were any other girl, I’d think she’s turned on, but something is wrong. I turn her around to see her face, and she’s pale. Why didn’t I notice that?

She’s shaking. Anxiety?

“What’s going on?”

“Too many people, the music… the music,” she whispers.

Her throaty sob pinches my heart. “I hate that music.”

“You hate Dreadful Souls?” She nods, so I press her body against mine. She leans her head on top of my chest, and I hold her tight. “Think of it as Matt playing for you, loving you. Not music from some old band. I have you, Thea. No one can touch you.”

Her body snuggles closer to me, and her breathing evens out as the music switches to “Eleanor Rigby.” Instead of pushing her away from my hold, I savor the feel of her body against mine and listen to our man play.

She sways in front of me, her breasts brushing against me. As innocent as those movements are, my thoughts are anything but. Fuck, two weeks and I believe that we have to make this work. Maybe wedobelong together.



“Encore.”The audience pounds the walls, stomps on the floor, and continues begging for more.

Chris doesn’t react. He just continues putting away his guitar. Two members of the security detail are the only barrier between the rowdy crowd and us. My first move is to check the bar. Thea is too close to this time bomb. My eyes meet Tristan’s, who continues holding her, as he’s been doing all night. I tilt my head toward the bouncer at the door and then to Thea. He nods and takes out his phone.

“Matthew, Ainsley duty.” Jacob didn’t have to say it. I was about to grab her into my arms before he spoke.

There’s always been a method to our madness. As always, he puts himself in front of us to cover her. Fuck, I don’t like this. We’ve had our share of crazy fans, and we can take them, but our baby sister has never been involved.

“Get her over to Tristan and come back,” I tell Jacob as I search for Bradley.

“You two are overreacting,” Chris says as he places Jacob’s guitar in the case. “Mason is in charge.”

Mason Bradley being in charge isn’t exactly reassuring for me. In my experience, he likes to throw a few punches before absconding. However, Bradley has changed over the past few years because of Ainsley. He’s not as aggressive. Man, we are growing up, aren’t we?

“Is this normal?” Ainsley whispers, her usual bravado gone.

“Nope, but I think tonight we have more fans than allowed,” Jacob lies, and I’m sure he’s glad Pria stayed behind to babysit Gracie.

As I’m about to say go, Mason Bradley topples a couple of guys, breaking through the fan barrier, and giving me the typical stink eye.
