Page 85 of Who We Are

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I head in the other direction. I just need to be home right now. Ignoring him, I take a second glance around. The cool night makes me shiver, and raindrops begin to fall. If I hurry, I might get home slightly wet, not damp. I check my phone, and the map is set. I click start, and Google Maps tells me to walk straight about ten feet before taking a left.

A sense of loss washes over me along with the rain. As the moisture blocks my sight, two male bodies flank me. My limbs begin to tingle as the air thickens, and my lungs are having trouble exhaling and inhaling.

“Thea, you’re going in the wrong direction, sweetheart.” The soothing voice of Chris Decker speaks to me. “It’s almost midnight, and it’s pouring.”

My stomach is squeezed by a strong fist. Nausea hits my throat, but I continue.Just make it home. Don’t lose it in front of Chris fucking Decker.

“Then I better hurry,” I stammer. “I don’t like being out late… walking…” I can’t finish talking. My body folds as my insides can’t hold anything any longer. Food, bile, and the demons of the past are splattered on the ground.

He’s back, that man who made me do things I never wanted. Martin Levitz. He called it “work.” But, in fact, he whored me around. My own father.

I’m not her. I will never be her again.

He can’t touch me.

He can’t sell me.

I hate him.I hate him.He hates me.

That’s why he let all those things happen to me. I won’t go back there. I’d rather die right here on this sidewalk in the face of humiliation than ever succumb to those demons again. But instead, I run.

I run fast because if there’s something I know how to do it’s disappear.

“Thea, stop!” someone screams.

I won’t. As I push my legs to run faster, I clear the tears, but it’s no use, the rain intensifies.

My life is over. Just when I thought I had found happiness.

It’s over.
