Page 14 of Off the Record

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“You must be Rebecca Owens.” Landon stretched out his hand when he was a few feet away from me. “I’m so glad to meet you.”

I shook his hand and dropped it as fast as I could. “Likewise.”

He angled toward Mauricio. “I expect everything went okay at the airport?”

“No issues.”

“Good. As soon as you unload Miss Owens’s bags, you’re dismissed. I won’t need you the rest of the evening.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Unload my bags? Why?” I stared at Landon as Mauricio backed away from us. “I’ll need them at the Hilton since I’m staying there.”

Landon turned to Mauricio. “You didn’t tell her?”

“Didn’t have time to, sir.” Mauricio placed my luggage on the driveway and closed the trunk. “I’m sorry.”

Landon returned his attention to me, “It sounds like we have some catching up to do.”

“Catching up?”


He smiled, showing off an array of perfectly straight teeth framed by a Hollywood-esque smile I’d read he paid top dollar for after making his first hundred million. Strangely enough, the smile seemed to make him almost dazzle, as if he’d come direct from central casting for the romantic lead in a Hollywood movie. Even Tanner Vance wasn’t this attractive in person, and plenty of people online considered him a contender for the Sexiest Man Alive.

“I know my assistant booked you at the hotel, but when I reviewed the itinerary this morning, I realized that could make things a little...inconvenient.”

I cocked my head and tightened my curled toes. “How so?”

“Well, I promised you access. I promised you...wepromised you...a chance to see me in a different way.”

“Yes, you did. But why here?”

He spread his hand toward the backyard and the beach beyond it. “I figured you’d get more material for your article if you had a chance to stay here on the property I call home. I certainly have enough space.”


“But what?”

I hesitated. “I think it might be hard to remain objective if I do so.”


“Well, I’ve never stayed on the property of someone I’m going to profile.”I’ve never done any of this before, in fact...

“First time for everything. And besides, where’s your sense of adventure?”

I studied him. “If you think this is going to convince me to go easy on you...”

“Don’t worry, I don’t.” He waved Mauricio away and took hold of the pulley on my luggage, one of the last pieces I’d bought before fleeing New York. Against the overwhelming luxury of Landon’s property, the luggage looked especially cheap and worn. “Come on. I’ll show you where you’re staying.”

After taking a reluctant breath, I followed him across the lawn toward the pool house.Here goes nothing.I had to hand it to Landon. I’d only been around him a short time, but he was already more interesting than I’d expected. He had also convinced me of something I already understood about the billionaire. He liked control and knew exactly how to get his way...perhaps in every circumstance.
