Page 34 of Off the Record

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Another beat passed between us before Rebecca glanced at her watch and spread a hand. “It’s almost one, and I don’t want to keep you—”

“You’re not keeping me.”

“Good.” She drew in an expansive breath. “Good.”

I moved a little closer, my attention catching on her repetition of the word. “Something seems a little...are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”

I cocked my head. “You sure about that?”

“Just thinking.” She shrugged and looked away. “I met your mother this evening, and she gave me a few...warnings...about this profile.”

“She’s protective of me. Always has been.”

These were careful words, an almost generic way to describe my mother, and I could guess the kind of interaction Rebecca had with her.

“My mom can be interesting to deal with,” I added.

“I can tell, though I suppose that’s not a surprise, given what you told me during the tour about your childhood.”

“Was she rude to you?”

“No.” Rebecca hesitated. “Listen, I’m not...I’m not here to ruin you. I’m not here to promote you either, but I’m not doing this to make your life worse.”

“I can tell. Well, I mean, I can tellnow.” I smiled, hoping to disarm whatever reservations she had. “And this is your profession. I want you to be as fair as possible.”

“I know.” Rebecca hesitated again but seemed a little less off-kilter than she did a few moments before. “But now I’m...I’m...not sure I will be.”

“Why not?”

“Because of earlier. Because of...”

I stepped one inch closer. “I was right, wasn’t I? Youwereflirting with me.”


“I knew it. You were.”

Rebecca didn’t reply. She didn’t have to; the narrowing of her gaze said it all. My suspicions had indeed been correct, and more than she wanted to admit. I was attracted to her, and she felt something like I did.Here it is, the opening I want.

“It’s okay, I won’t tell anyone.” I lowered my voice. “Because if I tell anyone, that wouldn’t be any fun.”


“This.Thiswouldn’t be any fun.”

“We can’t have that, can we?” Her reply was almost a whisper too, and full of implication. “Iloveto have fun.”

“Would you want to have fun with me?”

“Yes,” she said. “I—”

The first part of her answer was all I needed to hear. I pounced before she could finish her sentence. In one smooth movement, I pushed Rebecca against the doorway and planted my lips on hers. I didn’t bother being tentative or careful—that had never been my style. When I wanted something, I took it. And I wanted her. Immediately. No more waiting.

Only taking.
