Page 40 of Off the Record

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Nine thirty came soon, but not soon enough.

While I got ready, I drank two glasses of wine from the bottle of pinot grigio I found in the pool house fridge. I was running low on outfits but tried on various combinations of what I had to find the right clothes for the moment—the extra black sundress I shoved into the luggage at the last minute and a large gold chain wrapped twice around my neck. I threw my hair into a bun, then tried a half-up style, and finally settled on letting it fall in loose waves around my shoulders. I did my makeup twice. Just before I walked out of the unit, I raked a slash of dark red lipstick across my mouth, a tube I forgot I’d packed, but was happy to find in the bottom of my bag.

I had no idea what was about to happen next.Scratch that. I have some ideas.

Landon waited for me on the veranda, but unlike my first night, no food was there with him, only two champagne glasses and a bottle in an ice bucket. He fixed his attention on me as I crossed the manicured lawn.

“Good evening.”


I stopped at the table, effectively placing it between us. Landon wore a pair of ripped jeans slung low on his hips and a black T-shirt that highlighted his biceps. He looked refreshed and relaxed, almost as if the day’s festivities had given him extra energy, instead of draining him.

“How was your day?” he asked.

“Shouldn’t I be the one asking you that?”

He smiled. “Just trying to be a good host.”

“That’s what you are now? A host?”

“Of you I am.” He spread his hand, his eyes softened, and I heard a hint of something in his voice that reminded me of desire. “Especiallyafter last night.”

I decided not to directly acknowledge last night or the lines we’d crossed. “Today went well,” I surmised. “At least, that’s what it looked like from my vantage point.”

“Did you get what you needed?”

“Yes. All set to go home tomorrow.”

“And how do you think the profile will turn out?”

“Fine, I guess.” I gripped the back of the nearest chair. “I certainly got enough material. I’d say it was a productive couple of days.”

“And you’re leaving tomorrow?”

“First flight out.”

“I see.”

A beat passed before he added, “Today was okay. But...not what I expected.”
