Page 62 of Off the Record

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“Basically, we believe someone hacked the closed-circuit cameras on your Palm Beach property and leaked it to the tabloids.”

I recoiled and nearly dropped the phone. “What the fuck?”What in the fucking fuck?Of the many things I’d prepared for in my life as CEO of Sparks Innovation, this one hadn’t made the list.Maybe he’s mistaken?

“We aren’t a 100 percent sure on how it happened, but the IT team is already on it.”

“On what?”

“On the release. On the leak.”

“What’s in the footage?” I managed to ask, a sinking feeling coming over me as I anticipated the answer. If this was the most famous sex tape in the world, trending globally, I could guess it was bad. I glanced at Joan, who was busy in the airplane kitchen tidying up in preparation for landing.Is she starring in it too?

“It’s you and Rebecca.”

Robert let out a rueful laugh, and my chest tightened, my ribs constricting around my heart as I felt it start to race.Shit. This isn’t just bad. This is a disaster.

“I gotta admit, man, I’ve seen my share of sex scandals in the past, but this one is up there. It’s...the footage is detailed,” Robert continued. “It’s...intense.”

He didn’t have to say more. I could guess what had been released. I’d overseen installation of the cameras, and I knew they had an eye on every inch of the property. Plus, we’d been...pretty carried away that night.

“Fuck me,” I managed.

“Yes, apparently, she did,” Robert wryly replied. “And listen, I was aware you two had chemistry, but was a lot to it.”

“So, you watched the video,” I guessed. I didn’t know if I should be upset about that or not.

“Everyonehas watched it.”

“What do you mean...everyone?”

“That thing already has four million views on YouTube in half a day.”

Holy shit.

I braced my elbows on my knees, the phone still clamped to my ear, my brain racing as I tried to process this information. That number was far bigger than I’d expected. Four million views? I knew plenty about how these things worked. Once a video like that caught fire, there was little stopping the pile of hot takes, media articles, television commentary, and more, an avalanche of coverage that would ensure something like this lived on beyond the initial post. This thing would probably follow the two of us around for years.

“How long ago did they release it?” I was asking a question that didn’t really matter.

“A few hours. We caught it quickly and the PR team is putting together a plan right now. We’ll have a strategy by the time you land.”

“Good. I appreciate that.”

“I think it’s important we get out in front. This is a scandal, but it’s honestly not the worst thing I can think of.”

I scoffed. “It’s not?”

“People understand the media is corrupt, and there’s a certain blend between friendly journalists, and well...people like you. I think the public expects it, and—”


I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose. I’d suddenly realized I wasn’t interested in Robert’s diagnosis of a scandal like this, or his assessment of what to do next. I wanted space to process this and figure out what steps I wanted to take. Robert’s presence only made that harder.

“Thank you for telling me,” I added in a clipped voice, ready for him to leave me alone again. “I appreciate the fact you’re getting out ahead of it, and when I get back to Palm Beach, we can discuss this further.”

“I’ve already ordered a total reset of the security on the property. That will be completed in the next hour and you’ll have an email of all new passwords and arming procedures.”

“Wonderful.” I bit back revulsion and annoyance. This shouldn’t be my reality.
