Page 74 of Off the Record

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He gave me one long, mournful look. “This is it, then?”

I spread my hand but didn’t say anything.

“Okay,” he said with a sigh. “I hear you. I know when I’ve lost.”

But in that moment, we both had.




Wrong place. Wrongtime. Wrong people.

I kept thinking about Rebecca’s words, some of the last ones she said to me that day in Rockbridge. Was itreallyjust a week ago? Felt more like a month. Sometimes even a year. And yet, they kept coming back to me, echoing in my mind, like a reminder of what I’d lost.

I picked up the receiver of my desk phone and dialed Eartha’s number. Within seconds, my longtime loyal assistant appeared at my door. She closed it behind her before walking into my office with a legal pad in one hand and her pen behind her ear. She perched on the edge of the seat in front of my desk, and I saw scribbled notes on the paper she balanced on her knees.

“I take it you’ve got some leads,” I said.

“A few.”

“Thank you for being discreet.”

“You’re welcome.” She glanced at the closed door. Two days earlier, I’d brought her into my office for a similar meeting in which I asked her to keep what she found off the Sparks Innovation company intranet. I hadn’t wanted to risk anyone finding out about this. “I don’t think he suspects anything.”

“Good. It’s paramount that he doesn’t.”

“From what I can tell through his emails, he still believes you have no idea who did this, that you’re buying the Russian hacker theory.”

I scoffed.

“I accessed a few of his emails last night before I went home, and he believes you’ve believed all of it, and you’re not going to question any of it.”

“It’s never Russian hackers.Never.”
