Page 76 of Off the Record

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Judas. That’s whathe was. Judas. Brutus. Cain.

I could think of many names for him. A liar. A thief. A jerk. A man who acted like he cared, and like he had the best interests of this company at heart when all he really had was his own self-interest. And here he sat across from me, no idea what I was about to say, a relaxed look across his arrogant face.

“How’s the investigation going?” I started, opening with a simple question, so he’d have no idea I was laying a trap for him. “Haven’t received the latest word.”

“We’re close to closing in on the firm. Thinking it’s high up. Might even go all the way to the Kremlin.” His expression gave away nothing, and I took that as further indication of how much he believed his own lies, how down the rabbit hole in this mess of bullshit he really was.

Not just a fucker.A motherfucker.

“Good. This isn’t just about me, it’s about her too. Rebecca.”

He nodded.

“Which is why I’m wondering if you’ve explored every avenue of this problem. If you’ve really investigated what happened.”

“Of course.”

“Is that so?” I picked up the stack of papers Eartha left for me. Before he arrived at my office, I slid them into a manila file folder, and now I waved it in front of him. “As I told you the other day, I’m committed to finding out what happened with this, and how everyone could have gotten a copy of that tape. So, I’ve been doing some of my own research.”

He visibly gulped, and I figured the tone of my voice gave him some inkling of where this was headed. Still, even if he did guess, I didn’t care.

“When were you going to tell me?” I asked softly before I put down the paperwork. “You thought you could get away with this, didn’t you?”

“Get away with what?”

I laughed. “It’s all there, Robert. I had an outside firm investigate. Maybe you’ve heard of OPI Cyber, the forensic accounting firm? They specialize in stuff like this.”

Robert gave a small nod, his eyes wide and his face growing paler with every word I spoke. I was getting to him, and I relished that. It was the least the fucker deserved.

“When I said I was going to figure this out, I meant it.” I tapped the top of the file folder. “You believed you’d be able to hide it, didn’t you? That I’d be too distracted or trusting to figure it out.”

Robert moved forward on the chair; the same one Eartha sat in a half hour before. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Landon. You’’re crazy. You’ve made a huge mistake. You think...whatever they said, they’re wrong.”

I raised my hand. “Don’t even try. It’s not going to work anymore.”

“No—you’re wrong. I didn’t do this.” His words held such desperation.The fool.“You know how technology is. Things go wrong. Glitches.”

“This wasn’t a glitch, asshole.” I wanted to punch him, to throw him against the wall, to beat the shit out of him for this massive betrayal, but I resisted those emotions. Staying in control was key, and at the moment, I had the upper hand. “This was intentional.”

“Come on, man. You know me. We’ve worked together for over ten years. Built all this.” He gestured at the bank of windows on the far end of my office, the one that looked out over the main bullpen of Sparks headquarters. “Why would I risk that, why would I throw all that away? For something like this?”

“You’ve always been jealous of me. I’ve heard from other employees over the years, and maybe I’ve sensed it too. At the end of the day, this is my company, and that has always bothered you.”
