Page 8 of Off the Record

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An exclusive interview with him would do so much forAmerican Profile—increase the subscriber base, attract some new advertisers, and even serve as more content for the book I eventually wanted to write, an anthology project I’d admittedly put on hold to grow the publication.A chapter on Landon would, no, don’t think about that right now.I took a deep calming breath, willing myself not to get carried away with possibilities.

“I hope we can work it out,” I added.

“Well, today is your lucky day.” Even through the phone, I could tell Robert was smiling, his voice bright and upbeat. “Your email made it to my desk, and I had a chance to review the idea with Landon Sparks himself.”

“What?” Shocked, I sat on the nearby park bench, one of the dozens lining the twisting trail.Maybe sitting will help me calm down.“ did?”

“We discussed it this morning, and he’s interested in having you come to Florida this weekend.” I barely had time to digest that comment before he asked, “What does your schedule look like for the end of the week?”

“That soon?” I braced my elbows on my knees. “To Melbourne?”

“Not exactly. I’m not sure if you’ve seen the headlines lately, but we’re opening the new South Florida headquarters for Chatter this Saturday.”

“Yes, of course.” I shook my head a few times, exasperated with myself for forgetting that detail in my moment of surprise. I knew that fact about the Chatter HQ, just like I knew Landon preferred to split his time between Palm Beach and Florida’s Space Coast.Pull yourself together, Rebecca.

“We think this would be a great opportunity for you to get some behind-the-scenes access.”

Instead of replying, I took another deep breath. Long ago, during my early days as a reporter, I’d learned the power of not always talking, of allowing a conversation to breathe. It was a sort of art, a way of manipulating people into trusting me, into telling me more than perhaps they were willing to divulge. Restraint wasn’t easy, but it often produced more results than any words I might say. And boy, did I need some composure at that moment.

“Can you make it down here this weekend?” he added.

I shifted on the bench as I considered the cost. It was already Monday afternoon and booking a flight for the end of the week would take a good chunk of money, especially since ticket prices had been outrageous the last few months. Getting a hotel wouldn’t be cheap, either, or a rental car...but I had money set aside for expenses like this, could write it all off on taxes. The investment would be worth it. Landon Sparks didn’t talk to any press; he didn’t usually give unfettered interviews outside of tightly controlled media releases. He used his Chatter account to reach the public but held professional journalists at arm’s length. But now, he was willing to talk to me.

This is not an opportunity to pass up.

“I’m sure I can work it out,” I replied, and decided I’d drive there myself, if needed. That might take more than fifteen hours, but this was one of the world’s most powerful businessmen, for God’s sake.This interview could make me. Make American Profile. Change everything.“I’ll be there.”

“We’re hoping you can arrive Thursday. Landon will grant you some time on Friday, and you can attend the ribbon cutting on Saturday. If you’d like to stay on till Sunday...that’s up to you.”


I considered what a trip there might look like.I’ll need to brainstorm a list of questions...bring my laptop...go over my notes at night...maybe I can use reward points for the flight...If nothing else, it would be a welcome break from my day-to-day in Cincinnati.

“I can do that,” I said. “I’ll put together my itinerary and connect with your press office when I have the details worked out.”

“Please do.” He paused. “We’re glad you’re able to do this, Rebecca. Looking forward to it.”

“Thank you. I’m looking forward to it too.”

The cheerful tone in my reply surprised me, and I heard it myself—I was flattered. Taken aback. My ego was stroked. That wasnotgood, and I knew it. I needed to maintain my journalistic standards and not allow myself to get bowled over in an interview with someone who never gave interviews.I need to keep my cool. Maintain objectivity.

“Just one other thing,” I said.

“What’s that?” asked Robert.

I gulped and let a moment pass as I figured out how to phrase my next words.

“I’m not...I’m not going to go easy on Landon because he’s agreed to do an interview with me. That’s not the point ofAmerican Profile, and I certainly can’t be delicate with someone as...controversial as him. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I understand. I’ve read several of your pieces. You like to ask tough questions.”

“That’s what reporters do.”

“Landon is aware too. He wouldn’t have it any other way.”

We ended the call, and I sat for a long time on the bench, staring off into space. My run was over. There was no way I’d be able to finish it. I had too much to do, and too many questions to answer. The most important one being:is this my real life?

I was about to find out.
