Page 30 of Brutal Conquest

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But I won’t stay away forever, and when I return, I’ll make Troian pay for this.

I’ll take what he loves the most and make it mine.

His money.

His power.

But first, I’ll steal his precious daughter from right under his nose, and I won’t ever give her back.



Present day

The Corvette purrs along familiar streets. Streets that I’ve missed in the two years I’ve been absent from this city.

Belyaev territory.


Or it will be once the girl next to me in the passenger seat is wearing my ring and carrying my baby. I’ve wasted two years when I could have been making her fall in love with me. When I went to the warehouse tonight, I thought I might be able to coax Zenya into closing her eyes and letting the stranger in black blindfold her and kiss her, but she was just so intrigued by me. Hungry for me to devour her. She claims she didn’t know that it was me beneath the mask, but I think she did. She knows my scent and the shape of my body. Maybe she just didn’twantto know.

But she craved what only I can give her.

She’ll put up some resistance at first. I saw the shock in her eyes when she realized it was me between her legs. Unless she thought I was someone else? If so, I’ll hunt down whoever dared to put his hands on my baby girl in my absence and crush his fucking skull.

Either way, Zenya’s been missing her favorite uncle, and now I’m back. One reunion down, one to go.


Anger surges through me as I grip the steering wheel.

Fucking Troian.

Before he dies, I’ll make sure my brother knows I took my revenge on him by making his empire mine, piece by fucking piece, starting with his daughter and ending with every square inch of this city. Two years ago, if he’d backed down and let me return, I might have been gentle about taking the reins. I thought he’d get over that photo with the stripper and beg me to return to his side, but weeks slipped by and then months, and my phone stayed silent. My brother’s stubbornness has always been world class, but this time his pettiness reached a new level. Taking away control of the Belyaev family is an insult that still burns, and I’m never leaving again. This is my home. My streets. My city. And that girl on the passenger seat beside me?

That’s my fucking wife.

“You look pleased with yourself,” Zenya says, staring straight ahead through the windshield with a troubled line between her brows. Her long silver hair is cascading around her shoulders and it’s spattered with blood. Though her face is pale against her black clothing, there are two small spots of color burning in her cheeks.

She’s angry with me? Or she’s flushed with the memory of what we just did together?

I run my tongue against the roof of my mouth, recalling every detail and sensation of her sex against my mouth. The scent of her arousal. The cries she made as she came. I’m not pleased she gave me her pussy with a little coaxing. I’m fucking delighted.

After three years of ceaseless yearning, I’ve finally tasted her. “Of course I’m pleased. You know that I’m never happier than when I’m with you.”

I reach over to take Zenya’s hand, but she pulls away and turns to look out the window.

“You could have fooled me,” she mutters.

Slowly, I draw my hand back. That burns, but I suppose she can’t help but be angry with me when she doesn’t know the full story about where I’ve been all this time and why.

“I’ve missed two of your birthdays,” I murmur, turning left down a familiar street. “Two Christmases. All your happy days. All your sad days. All the days you needed me and some days when you were so angry with me that you couldn’t breathe. But I’m back now, princess, and I’m going to spend every second making up for being gone for so long.”

Zenya makes an angrytchnoise and shakes her head. “It’s not that simple.”

I get it. She’s angry with me for leaving and then staying away, but it wasn’t by choice. I sense how much Zenya wants to shout at me, scratch me, unleash her fury on her uncle. I’ll admit I’ve been a terrible man when I’ve got her pinned to a mattress, but only then. She can forgive me louder and louder as I make her come again and again. If she needs to weep she can do that on my bare chest while I kiss away her tears.
