Page 34 of Brutal Conquest

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Zenya glances quickly at me. I’m standing by Troian’s shoulder, my hands in my pockets. No, princess. I didn’t mention what else happened between us.

She turns to face her father. “You can’t blame yourself for what happened. I was the one who was taken by surprise and got everyone killed.”

Troian shakes his head sadly. “Your attackers should have been too afraid of me to try and hurt my daughter. Word must be out that I’m…” He gives her a sad smile and gestures at his ruined body.

Zenya leans forward and grabs his hand. “You’re going to befine.”

She says it with such force that I wonder who she’s trying to convince. I haven’t heard anything about my brother’s prognosis, and I make a mental note to find out later.

“It doesn’t matter how I will be in the future, it matters how I appear now. Your Uncle Kristian wishes to return to us and put on a show of strength for our allies and enemies, and I think that’s a good plan.” He hastens to assure her, “But you’re still my heir. Nothing will change that.”

Zenya’s face is blank with shock, and then she splutters, “You want him to stay? Have you forgotten how he mocked Chessa after she died? How many times have you been humiliated by that photograph when it’s reappeared again and again these past two years?”

Where’s the niece who sobbed so prettily in my arms, begging me not to leave her? She was never angry about the photo at the time.

Troian frowns at his daughter. “You pleaded with me for months to let Kristian come home. I thought you’d be happy about this.”

Over his shoulder, I shoot her a sly grin. Oh, did she? How pleasing.

Zenya turns pink and leans forward to adjust the ice pack on her ankle. “Yes, well, more recently, I’ve been thinking about how Uncle Kristian likes to pretend to strangle strippers with my stepmother’s name scrawled across their chests.”

There’s a flicker of agreement in Troian’s eyes, and I decide now is the time for me to speak up. “Chessa sometimes got on my nerves, but I didn’t hate her or wish her harm. I don’t hate anyone, and I’m sorry for what I did. I’m a new man since I’ve been gone.”

She gives me a sharp look. “I’m not so sure. You’re very disrespectful. You don’t seem to like women very much.”

I flash her a heated smile, making sure her father doesn’t see it. “I like one woman.”

Troian pats Zenya’s foot again. “Apparently your uncle wants to get married. He’s already got his bride picked out.” When Zenya goggles at him, he laughs and says, “Yes, I couldn’t believe it either. You’ll have to be the one to get that secret out of him, sweetheart, because he won’t tell me who she is.”

Zenya’s hands tighten on the blankets. Finally, she says to her father, “May I please speak to Uncle Kristian alone?”

Troian gets up and kisses her cheek. “Of course. I’ll say goodnight, and we can talk further on it in the morning.” He gets up and shuffles slowly out of the room.

“You’re a snake,” Zenya says as soon as we’re alone.

I narrow my eyes at her. “Don’t speak to your uncle that way.”

Her beautiful blue eyes flash. “You gave away the right to reprimand me when you did what you did in that warehouse.”

I wait for Zenya to look down or instantly apologize like she would have done two years ago if she dared talk back to her beloved uncle, but to my surprise, she holds my gaze.

“Why am I a snake?”

“I don’t know what you said to Dad to make him forgive you after all this time, but I know you must have lied to him and manipulated him.”

“I told him the truth.”

“And that is?”

“You need me, Zenya. Don’t bother to deny it after I killed for you tonight.” Just thinking about her at the mercy of those four moronic thugs makes my blood boil.

She sits back with an angry shake of her head and folds her arms. But she doesn’t argue with me.

“There’s no shame in needing my protection. You’re powerful and important, and I live to protect you.” I reach out to touch her cheek, but she jerks away from me.

“Where have you been all this time?”

I sigh and drop my hand. “Nowhere special. I was building a new life for myself, seeing as Troian didn’t want me in his.”
