Page 36 of Brutal Conquest

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“I didn’t come back to be my brother’s lickspittle again. For him to order me around. Do his thankless bidding. Be grateful with what little he gives me. I want everything. I’m going to sit at the head of the Belyaev family and control our fortunes and our destiny.”

Mikhail gives a low whistle. “Ambitious. How are you going to get Troian to change his will back to favor you?”

I smile as I picture Zenya’s perfect body beneath mine. Fuck, I can still taste that girl on my tongue. “I’m not.”

“Then how?”


“What about Zenya?”

“I want her.”

Mikhail lifts his eyebrows. “You…want her?”

I toy with my glass, enjoying the confusion on Mikhail’s face. It feels good to finally say it out loud. “I’m going to make Zenya fall in love with me. I’m going to marry Zenya. Through Zenya, I can take everything that’s precious from Troian and make it mine, as it always should have been.”

Mikhail shakes his head, his expression baffled. “Why in the hell would you want to do that to your own flesh and blood? You’re brothers.”

Anger burns through me at the memory of what happened two years ago. The humiliation. The grief. The pain.

I grip my empty glass and growl, “Because my brother took everything from me, and I’ll never, ever forgive him.”

Mikhail stares at me in bewildered silence. “Okay, fine. You want revenge. But Zenya’s your niece. You’re seriously telling me you’re going to try and screw your niece? You make one move on her and Troian will put a bullet in your head.”

“Zenya won’t do anything that puts her beloved uncle in danger. Don’t worry about how I’ll seduce her. I’m halfway there already.”

All I need to do is make myself indispensable in Zenya’s life. Her protector. Her unconditional lover. The man she’s always adored, the dangerous rogue who’s sweet only for her. I’ll bet millions that Troian’s been working that girl hard with barely a word of praise. She’s starving for someone to lavish her with affection, and that man is going to be me.

“Halfway there?” Mikhail asks. “Bullshit. She grew up with you, and there’s no way a sweet, innocent girl like Zenya Belyaev is going to let her uncle get his hands all over her.”

“Yes, she will. That girl will become addicted to me.”

Mikhail slowly shakes his head. “You’re crazy.”

“Who’s going to stop me? You?”

“Oh, fuck no. I prefer my head attached to my body. I’m not getting in your way.”

“Then you and I are fine.”

“You’re still fucking crazy, and I’m not drunk enough for this conversation.” He knocks back his bourbon and calls for another.

“I was adopted, remember? Zenya and I don’t share any blood.”

“So? You look like her uncle. You act like her uncle. You held her hand at her mother’s funeral. She thinks of you as her uncle and she always has. I doubt it’s even legal for you to marry her.”

“I looked it up. We’ll need permission from a judge, but that’s a technicality. My money can bribe any judge I choose.”

“Wouldn’t it just be easier to get Troian to change his will back to you? Less…messed up?”

I shake my head and laugh. “You don’t get it. Zenya’s my priority. She’s been my number one since she was born. My favorite niece, and then…” I remember my pretty little niece covered in blood. “We’re the same, she and I. I’m the only man for her, and she’s the only woman for me.”

He opens his mouth but closes it again and shakes his head.

“Go on. Say what you’re thinking.”

“No thanks. I like having all my teeth.”

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