Page 14 of Scarred Devil

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“I’ll handle my father,” I say as I start thinking of a plan to get out of the house. Sneaking out of the estate would be impossible without help. But I can’t get Mrs. Latha into trouble by requesting something like that from her. I try to think of the best way to escape the notice of the men constantly guarding the perimeter, but I can’t come up with anything.

“Will you eat now?” Mrs. Latha says.


I don’t want to kill her hope. She only wants to comfort me. Besides, I’m sure she put in a lot of effort to make me the soup.

“Yes, thank you,” I say, smiling at her. She smiles in return before she leaves the room. By the time the door closes behind her, my mind is working overtime trying to think of a way out of this prison.

It’s pointless though. I can’t think of anything.

The only way forward is to face Lev Ivanov and try to talk him out of the deal.

I just hope I make it out alive.



Dining with the Devil.

That is what is about to happen to me.

I stare blankly out the window as the Rolls Royce takes me to the elegant restaurant I’ve been told to dress for. Dread begins to creep up my throat as I think of the man I’m about to meet. The man whose name alone elicits fear in people.

Lev Ivanov, the Devil himself.

The things I’ve heard about him over the past few days are enough to strengthen my resolve not to marry him. Not that I wanted to marry him, to begin with. Or anyone for that matter.

If I had it my way, I wouldn’t even be going through with this sham of a dinner. According to my father, this dinner will seal the deal. The meeting that assures both of us that this is a match made in heaven.

In hell, more like.

What a joke.

As if he cared about what I want.

As if I had a choice.

He doesn’t care about anything but his damn business.

I feel like a lamb being led to the slaughter. A painted lamb. My father even got a stylist for me just so I could “look my best.”

Whatever the outcome, speaking to my father is as useless as finding a penny with a hole in it. My only hope is that this Lev guy will understand that I do not wish to marry him. Maybe then, he will cancel whatever arrangement he has with my father, and I’ll be free again.

He doesn’t need me to be his wife anyway. He’s the head of the Bratva for God’s sake! He could find dozens of golddiggers who actuallywantto marry him. I never was the type who would marry a man just for his money and I never will be.

A part of me wishes the car would go slower, but to my disappointment, we pull up in front of the glittering façade of the high-end venue.

Here we go.

As much as I dread meeting Lev Ivanov, I won’t let him see that I’m afraid of him. He will soon realize that I'm not one who will cower at his feet. I’ll fight him if I have to. There’s no way I’m giving up on my freedom, especially not for some Russian gangster. If he thinks I’ll go easy on him, he’s got another thing coming.

One of the thugs opens the door, and I step out. I almost roll my eyes when I see the size of the security team assigned to me. There must be at least ten of them, all armed. It’s like I’m guarded by the freaking French Foreign Legion.

I wonder if this is because my father fears that I will make a run for it. I wish it was an option, though. I’d gladly bolt, but with these guys on my tail, I doubt I’d get very far.

I smooth the silver dress I’m wearing, barely concerned with how beautiful it is. I can't wait to state my business with Lev, reach an agreement, and leave, never to see him again.
