Page 21 of Scarred Devil

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What a joke!

I wonder what it would be like to have a normal life with a normal father and a normal husband. Maybe I wouldn’t be the same person I am today.

Despite my foul mood, I give a wry smile as I think of growing up with my aunt. Most people thought I was lucky to have so much wealth at my disposal. None of them knew that all that glamour came with a price.

Growing up wasn’t easy. Making friends was almost impossible – either people were jealous of all the privileges they thought I had, or they wanted to use me for what they could get from me. After several attempts at having friends and going through the heartache of watching them bomb out, I stopped wasting my time. As for romance…that was never going to happen. Those lips that touched me tonight were the first that ever affected me that way. And now I know why boys never came close. Probably threats from my fucking father. Or even my dear, sweet aunt.

I feel like a fool for ever thinking I could have a happily ever after. If only I had realized that all my life has been a sham. Everything has been leading up to the future that’s been mapped out for me. I wish I had known earlier; it would have prepared me for all of this.

I’m startled out of my thoughts when the car pulls to a halt, and I realize that we are back at the estate.

I don’t wait for any of the men to get to the door before I open it. I step out of the car and walk slowly toward the entrance. It’s no surprise that I feel exhausted after such a long night.

I enter the house with the hopes that I will go to my room in peace and cry myself to sleep. But as soon as I walk past the living room, I know it’s yet another plan that was doomed to fail. My father is sitting in the living room, staring in my direction.


I guess it’s safe to call tonight a complete disaster — my last hope of escape dashed. For a brief moment, I begin to wonder if he’s waiting up for me out of fatherly concern, but I know better. Even if he is, it is most likely to find out if I have finally made up my mind.

“How was dinner?” he asks. I’m tempted to ignore him, but one look at his face stops me in my tracks.

“Terrible,” I reply, knowing my response won’t mean anything to him. He scoffs and my blood begins to boil. “Do you know that he killed someone at the restaurant? Is that the kind of psychopath you want me to be married to?” I fire at him and watch his face tighten in displeasure.

“I’m sure he had his reason,” he says with a shrug.

I know better than to be shocked by his response. Leave it to my father to see nothing wrong with killing a person. He is no different from Lev. It’s what they do for a living. Killing people as if life meant nothing to them.

Because it doesn’t.

“Why am I not surprised?” I huff, wondering why Fernando De Luca is my father. In fact, I’m starting to wonder if I’m his daughter at all.

“I don’t even understand how we’re related. Are we related?” I ask, and he glances at me in surprise. “I need to know because if we’re not, we shouldn’t be having this damn conversation,” I mutter while I glare at him.

“No such luck, daughter,” he snaps at me. “I don’t care what you think. I’m expecting a call from Ivanov to find out about the time of the wedding,” he says.

I release a weary sigh and start walking towards my room.

“You better tell him that I’m not going down without a fight,” I say before leaving his presence. I’m done with this conversation and I’m done with my father. Talking to a rock or any inanimate object is more enjoyable than talking to him.

The trip to my room has me dragging my feet. When I finally get there, I shut the door behind me and collapse on the bed.

Finally, I can allow my emotions to take over.



“Chert Voz’mi!” I curse as I angrily enter the limousine.

Petrov gets in after me. I know he’s waiting for me to calm the fuck down so he can give me details of the attack at the restaurant, but I’m still pissed off. Who knew Aurora could be so infuriating? She is bent on challenging me at every turn. And she is as beautiful as she is fiery.

We barely touched our food because she kept insisting that a marriage between us will not work. The woman is as stubborn as a mule. And worst of all, her insistence did nothing but give me a constant erection throughout the dinner. At one point, I came close to throwing caution to the wind and taking her right there.

“Call De Luca. I want to speak with him,” I tell Petrov. Thoughts of Aurora unleashing her passion beneath me has my dick rising again.

“De Luca,” I hear Petrov say as he passes the phone to me.

“The wedding is tomorrow. The details will be sent to you,” I say before I end the call.
