Page 30 of Scarred Devil

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“Yeah, so what?” he asks as we stare at each other.

“I…I…,” I stammer, unsure of what to say. I felt better thinking I was nowhere near him. This astonishing revelation shakes me to the core. That door is all that’s separated me from him each night. A door that couldn’t possibly have muffled my cries in my sleep.

Shit, he must have heard me orgasm.

There’s no way he didn’t.

He could have just come over any time if he wanted to.

What if he visited me in my sleep?

“Why would you do that?” I shout at him when I find my voice.

“Do what?” he asks nonchalantly. “You said you don’t want to share a bed with me,” he says with a displeased look. “You should be grateful that I respected your request,” he adds as he watches me with eyes that have the power to make me melt.

“Grateful?” My anger rises. “I wouldn’t be in this situation if it was up to me! What the hell do you want, anyway?” I ask, exasperated. I want him out of the room as fast as possible. He hasn’t spent more than a few minutes here, and already he’s dominated the room with his presence. He silently stares at me before he responds.

“Breakfast,” he says when I start to feel weak from the tension. “And then, we’re going to spend some time together. As husband and wife.”

As husband and wife?

My brows raise as I try to make meaning of his words. Typical fucking Lev. As hot as a man can possibly get, yet arrogant and insufferable. He just demands what he wants and expects everyone to fulfill his wishes without question. Well, not with me. He may be the most compelling man I ever encountered, but I’m not ready to bow at his feet like a slave.

“I’ll pass,” I tell him as I walk to the bed and sit.

“I wasn’t asking,” he says. His lip curls in irritation.

“I figured. And yet, the answer is still no,” I tell him as I mimic how he is sitting. I don’t know why that makes me feel like we are on the same level. I watch Lev’s eyes darken before he stands.

“Ten minutes,” he says. he says. “If you’re not with me in ten minutes, then you leave me with no choice but to come back here and carry you. Either way, you’ll do as I said.” His voice is deadly calm as he walks through the adjoining door, back to his room.

I stare at his retreating figure. For the life of me, I don’t know why my body is reacting to his threat. I ignore how my nipples strain against the bodice of my dress as I rush toward the door to lock it behind him. For a moment, I can see him inside his room, sitting on the couch, looking at his phone. Even if he notices my presence, he sure doesn’t act like it.

I quickly shut the door, and lean back against it. I know him well enough to know that he will do as he says.

There’s no way I’m making this easy for him.

It’s time he learned how to treat a woman properly.

I glance at the bathroom and run inside. I lock the door behind me, breathing heavily as I start pacing the room. This is the safest place for now. For some reason, I still feel uncertain, even after I’ve secured the door. I sit on the edge of the bathtub, nervously drumming my fingers on my thighs, unsure what to do next.

It feels like only a few minutes before I hear a door open. Footsteps draw closer to the bathroom door.

“Time’s up,” I hear the guttural voice coming from the room. I roll my eyes.

“I don’t care. Go away!” I call out, feeling empowered that he can’t reach me.

“Sure you want to do this?” he says. I refuse to respond to him. I feel a quiver of triumph when he tries to open the door and finds it locked. He rattles the handle with increasing violence. I’m almost afraid he’s going to rip it off. “What do you think you’re doing?” he demands.

“What does it look like? Go and have your breakfast. I don’t want to join you,” I call out as I begin pacing the bathroom once again.

“I told you, you don’t have a choice,” he says. A part of me is relieved when I hear him walking away from the door.

Have I won this game?

The thought leaves me lightheaded. As childish as it may be, winning against this arrogant bastard of a man is like winning the lottery.

But my smile fades as soon as I hear his footsteps returning.
