Page 39 of Scarred Devil

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“Lev,” I groan, emotions warring wildly as my hand flutters over the ruined flesh of his shoulder. “Oh God, what did they do to you?”

“I told you, it’s nothing,” he dismisses it again, his eyes still burning in their intensity. I can’t hold that gaze. Instead, I reach forward and press my lips against his torn skin. A sharp intake of breath has me jerking away again.

“I’m so sorry,” I blurt. “I—” My words cut sharply as I notice there’s no pain in his expression. It’s pure hunger.

And it matches my own.

And suddenly, a realization dawns. I realize that going days without him has increased my need to the point that I no longer see reason. I want him. I want him with a desperation that drives me wild. Unwittingly my hands move down his body and I’m tugging frantically at the waistband of his pants.

“Slowly…slowly,” he chuckles against my mouth. My cheeks burn crimson as I realize what I’m doing, but I don’t care anymore.

Nobody else gets to have him.

Nobody but me, dammit!

I moan as he starts grazing tiny bites down the side of my neck. He wants me as much as I want him; I can feel it in tense control of his movements. The urgency is still there, but I feel a shift in it now.

“You make me lose my mind,Solnishko,” he whispers as he nips my collarbone. I’m surprised to hear longing in his voice…and it makes me fuckingmelt.

“Yes… oh, please,” I hear myself moan as he strokes my breast through the nightdress I’m wearing. My breast fills his palm, and my moan deepens as he caresses it. My nipples strain against the silky fabric. I want his mouth on them, his teeth grazing… But I can tell he is taking his time. He is probably enjoying the torture he is making me go through.

I am at his mercy, and he knows it.

“Please,” I whisper when it feels like he isn’t going to give me what I want. This time I’m the one who’s raking at his flesh, wanting to leave my mark on it. I want anyone who sees him to know he belongs to me.

Belongs to me?

Oh fuck, I’m so lost.

But God, he’s going so damn slowly. I grind against him, then cry out in dismay when he raises himself.

“Lev! No!” My words are breathless. If he leaves me hanging like the other day at his office, I might just explode.

“Easy, baby, I’m not going anywhere,” he teases as he grabs the hem of my nightdress and pulls it up over my head, then strips my panties from me. He pauses, looking down at where I’m laid bare before him. This time I make no effort to hide myself from him; there’s no rage or frustration or shame in feeling his gaze upon me.

“Fuck.” The word comes from deep in his chest as hot eyes rove over my breasts, my belly, my thighs that splay without him even asking.

“Lev,” I whisper, reaching a hand toward him. He takes it in his own, threading strong, callused fingers through mine; our eyes meet for an instant.

Oh God, this is it.

There’s no going back.

I don’t want to go back.

There’s a flicker of something in those blue depths before he bows over my body, closing his mouth over my nipple.

“Yes,” I gasp as he starts sucking me like he is trying to milk my breast dry. My hand moves with his as he guides it over my other breast, both our fingers kneading the soft flesh and I know that this must be how I feel to him.

Holy fuck!

Why have I made us wait for so long?

I reach out and caress his bare back, loving the strong lines of it. He exudes power as he flexes his muscles, fingers still kneading my flesh. He’s given no sign that he’s in any kind of pain over that horrifying gash, so I blank it out, allowing myself to explore him as freely as he’s explored me.

Fuck, he’s so damned hard.

“You want this,” he says as he releases my nipple with a pop. His voice sounds like a command and I nod, but I wouldn’t deny it anyway. We both know my resistance is long gone. My fingers find their own path, becoming familiar with the hard planes of his beautiful body. He still has my hand in his and he slides it down over my belly to my mound.
