Page 5 of Scarred Devil

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It’s a room for an adult.

My childhood bed has been replaced by a luxurious four-poster. There is a dresser, a chair, and a table, as well as a sofa. There are two new doors set on one side of the room, and a brief exploration reveals an en suite bathroom and walk-in closet. I guess they have made a few changes since I left. So much for childhood memories. Then again, there was nothing happy about them.

I realize how exhausted I am when I sit on the sofa, thankful that my drink will be here any moment.

“What a day,” I mutter as I lean my head against the headrest. It doesn’t take long before I hear a knock. “Come in,” I call out, knowing it is Mrs. Latha.

The door opens, and she enters with a tray.

“Here is your lemonade,” she says, handing me a glass. I don’t realize how dry my throat is until I start drinking. The cool liquid washes into my system, effectively calming my nerves. I empty the glass without taking a breath.

“Thank you,” I tell her as I return the glass to the tray.

“Would you like more?” she asks, and I shake my head.

“I’m fine,” I tell her. She’s looking at me strangely, and I cock my head.

“You know…you’re just like your mother,” she says. I don’t know what to say, so I answer with a smile. I know I have my mother’s dark hair and eyes, but aside from that, I know so little about her. No family photos as a reminder. And there’s no way my father would share anything with me. I hold my breath, hoping she’ll continue. “I’ll take my leave,” she says before she hurriedly exits the room.

I sigh as I remove my boots. I glance around, wondering where Mrs. Latha has placed my bag. I make my way to the closet and I’m taken aback when I find it filled with designer dresses and shoes. I pause, wondering if I’m in the wrong room, but at the end of the closet, I see the clothes I brought for the trip hanging there.

I wonder what is going on, but I’m simply too exhausted to find Mrs. Latha and ask her about the mix-up. I wonder who the clothes belong to. Probably Simon’s girlfriend. The thought of staying in the same room his woman has occupied causes me to frown.

I shake the thought away and start undressing, grabbing my big sleepshirt and pulling it over my head before returning to the room. I tug my ponytail loose and allow my hair to swing free as I tumble onto the bed. Sleep comes almost immediately.


I don’t know how long I’ve slept, but I’m woken abruptly by a knock at the door. At first, I think I am imagining things, but I hear the knock again.

I groan as I climb off the bed, rubbing my eyes as I head to it. I don’t bother asking who’s there before I open it.

Big mistake.

Standing in front of me is someone I didn’t think I’d be seeing anytime soon.

“Simon,” I say to my brother as all traces of sleep instantly leave me.

“Aurora,” he says with a frown. Somehow, I expected more than this for our first meeting since I left. Simon has changed a lot. He is no longer the scruffy little boy I remember; instead, he is now a man. “It’s time for dinner. Father says you should join us,” he says, and my eyes widen in surprise.

A quick look at the window at the end of the hallway shows that it is dark outside. I realize I’ve been asleep for at least five hours. I must have been more exhausted than I thought. Simon is waiting for my response, so I absentmindedly nod.

“Good, don’t keep father waiting. I’m sure you remember how much he hates that,” he says before he turns to leave. I stare at his retreating figure while trying to wrap my head around what he’s just said.

Dinner with my father.

It’s the last thing I feel like right now.

Once again, I am starting to wish that I hadn’t come here. It feels like I’m in a house full of strangers. The only person who has acted warmly toward me is Mrs. Latha.

“Since when did my father start making dinner compulsory?” I mutter with a frown as I retreat into my room and shut the door. Simon’s warning about lateness has me springing into action. I wash my face, then change into a knee-length brown dress, pairing it with a pair of white sandals. It takes me fifteen minutes to get ready, and I leave my room wondering what to expect at the dinner table.

My brisk walk to the dining room comes to an abrupt end when I see Simon and my father already seated.

“You’re late,” my father says, scowling at me. I want to tell him I made good time, considering that Simon came to wake me just minutes ago.

“I’m sorry,” I reply instead.

“Sorry won’t do shit. Diana could have groomed you faster than this,” he says, tight-lipped.
