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I got closer to the boat as a few other snorkelers moved away, studying the details of the sunken boat, the way the light hit the structure even at that depth. Lucas was close by as I grabbed for my camera again to get some photos. He moved closer and nodded to me. I gave him a thumbs up and started to take a couple more shots, hoping they’d turn out okay and I wouldn’t be too terribly wobbly as I kept my legs moving.

His hands wrapped around my waist, startling me for a moment, then I realized he was steadying me as much as he could. I took a few more photos and gave a thumbs up. He nodded, and off we went.

We started swimming back to the boat a while later, my camera battery definitely getting low after I took a bunch of shots at the submerged boat. We swam back a little slower than we had going out. Maybe mine was a small reluctance to run back into Dominique again, but maybe it was just my energy was drained, too. I almost didn’t want to get out of the water by the time the boat came back into sight. Lucas waved for me to go up first, and I climbed the steps slowly, taking the hand offered to help pull me up the last two steps.

“Good swim?” Terry asked with a welcoming smile.

I peeled off the fogging-up goggles with a smile. “Amazing. So many fish.”

“Do you want to try the banana later?”


Lucas stood there, shaking the water out of his hair. “What?”

“You can feed the fish a banana.”


“Really. She might get some good footage of it,” Terry commented with a lopsided grin.

“I just need to change camera batteries and recoup a little.”

“We’ve got all day,” Lucas said, reaching over to take two of the offered towels from Dominique.

A small assortment of drinks sat out back in a little cooler by the benches. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around myself before sitting down. My bag beside me, I easily changed out the camera battery and went to flip through my photos. They looked amazing on the small screen—I couldn’t wait to see them on my monitor at home. I smiled and set the camera next to me while I reached for a chilled water.

Lucas walked over. “Do you want to go scuba diving tomorrow?”


“Yeah. We can go same time…different part of the water.”

“I kinda like snorkeling more.”

“That’s okay.” I heard something in his voice…I knew he really wanted to scuba. And he had the experience. He probably could provide the documentation Dominique had mentioned was required.

“But you want to scuba, so you go ahead. I can stay on the boat,” I said quickly. He’d done so much for me on the vacation—sitting on the boat for a few hours stretched out in the sun wasn’t exactly a hardship while he enjoyed himself in the water.

“Are you sure?”

“Absolutely. You’re a better swimmer, anyway. I don’t know how long I’d last with a tank on my back.”

He stuffed his hands in his pockets. “Okay, I’ll see when the boat’s open. Maybe we’ll do something on land tomorrow? Scuba after Christmas maybe…”

“Lucas?” Dominique called, and we both turned. She was leaning out of the open doorway further down, Terry behind her.

“Might as well go make plans…” I said.

I am not jealous.

I am not—

Argh, screw it. Iamjealous.

Never in the last almost-five years since I’d met Lucas had I had that emotion. And now? Mere days into our vacation, here I was.

