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Silence greeted me as I stepped out into the hallway.

Her room was dark.

Well, she was probably fuming or sound asleep. I was fifty/fifty on which one it was. She’d likely fume ’til she was exhausted and pass out on top of her bed.

I tiptoed down the stairs to grab a beer from the fridge and headed back upstairs, popped the top once I shut my bedroom door, not wanting to wake her if she was sound asleep. I took a long sip of the chilled liquid, heading to the balcony doors and opening them slightly to let in some night air. Maybe it would help me relax and figure things out. I was a man on a mission. I’d get her to listen to me at the very least, forgive me at the best.

I was about to step out when I swore I heard a splash.

I put my drink down then went back and pushed the curtains tentatively open.

Abbie was in the water.

The little sneak.

I watched her swim the length of the pool then turn over and go back the other way.

I smirked.


Hardly, my dear Abbie, because even from here, I could tell she was naked.



Ready or not...I was going to go make my move.




I peeked down the hallway—his room was dark. Maybe he went to bed, or maybe he went downstairs. I peeked down there. Dark, too, and equally silent.

Well, I didn’t care what he did.

I headed back into my room, closing the door as quietly as I could, then stripped down out of my underwear, tossing my bra and panties on the bed. I grabbed a hair elastic and pulled my hair up in a messy bun. Maybe doing some laps in the pool would be therapeutic.

I was too riled up to go to sleep easily right now. All I’d do would be toss and turn all night, letting my anger bubble to the surface. I needed to get my frustration out so I could sleep.

I wasn’t sure what I was doing.

The jealous best friend didn’t suit me at all. It was weird and strange and foreign, and I couldn’t stop acting like it. The rational side of me knew I was being foolish and stupid, but I seriously just wanted to throw a temper tantrum until she was gone.

I grabbed my fluffy robe I’d packed and slipped it on, tying it loosely around my waist. I took one last look around my room, deciding I had everything, and cautiously opened the bedroom door just enough to sneak through and hurried downstairs as quietly as I could. My bare feet seemed to echo on the cool tile, and I hurried to the balcony doors, letting myself out into the yard.

The moon was up high in the sky already, casting a soft glow and illuminating my way. I moved down the length of the patio then down the steps and finally out to the pool area. The gentle breeze was still beautifully warm as I stood there near the lounge chairs and just took in the sight of the light on the water in front of me.

I took a deep breath, and another one, and felt a little of the tension start to leave my body. I played anxiously with the tie on my robe for a moment, pressing my lips together.

With one last look at the dark house, I undid the garment and shrugged it off, tossing it on the lounge chair before I dove into the water with a small splash. I surfaced and wiped the water from my face. I’d never thought to bring a swimming cap with me, but that was okay. It didn’t bother me. My hair was knotted up in a bun. I’d just have to make sure I untangled it before bed, so it wouldn’t literally turn into a massive knot on me in the morning.

I moved through the water, one lap then another, and another, trying to keep my thoughts from wandering.

I just wanted to tire myself out.
