Page 114 of Pretty Little Wife

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“I hope that’s not true.” She started down the hall, mentally debating if she could tolerate this ending. If she could let that last string about Aaron’s murder sit there without pulling it. And she decided what she’d told Roland days ago was right—she could.

Lila being in prison wouldn’t make anyone safer, and they didn’t have the proof to put her there anyway. A form of justice had been served, just not the type Ginny spent her life fighting for. Vigilante justice just invited more and eventually the innocent would be hurt, but this was one case not a lifetime statement.

She would never grieve for Aaron or Jared Payne. Not oneminute. She’d save that energy for their victims. For the survivors who had to figure out how to move on. For the next case.



Lila hesitated for a few seconds before talking. “There’s a place called Fischer’s Farm in Pennsylvania. I think the Payne family killing started long ago, when Aaron and Jared were young, with their father and some very powerful men who looked the other way. Their mother might have been Jared’s first victim, but she wasn’t the family’s first.”

She didn’t think. She knew. Ginny could see it on her face. “Jared told you that?”

“He learned how to kill from an expert.”

More bodies. More death. Possibly more closure for families who deserved it. “You didn’t share this information with the FBI?”

“I’m telling you. Someone needs to be there for those women. I think you’re the right person.” Lila’s head fell to the side. “Consider this my penance.”

“I thought you were innocent.”

“I never said that.” Lila walked back into the kitchen. “But finish it.”

Chapter Sixty-Two

This is Nia Simms andGone Missing,the true crime podcast that discusses cases—big and small—in your neighborhood and around the country. And, boy, do we have a lot to talk about today. Events have unfolded at lightning speed.

Aaron Payne the serial teen girl abuser. Jared Payne the serial killer. A cabin in the middle of nowhere and a woman who stopped them both. The lines are open and...

Okay, I’m told we have a special caller. Folks, her identity has been checked and double-checked. This is Lila Ridgefield.


I’ve followed your podcast. Thank you for keeping Karen, Yara, and Julie in the news.

Of course. I need to ask—

I wanted to say one thing first, if that’s okay. You’ve called me a hero, and that’s not true. The credit goes to your listeners who kept the pressure on. To the families of the missing women, who have to figure out how to survive such a horrible loss. To Samantha Yorke, for being so brave and coming forward. Sheexposed Aaron’s true self and made it possible for other girls to get help.

Okay, let me ask—

And to Ginny Davis, the senior investigator in the Criminal Investigation Division of the Tompkins County Sheriff’s Office. She understood this case from the beginning. She knew her theories were right and never gave up. She’s exactly the type of person who should be in charge.

That’s great. Now, Lila... Lila? Okay, listeners. It sounds as if we got cut off. I’ll try to get her back on the line.

Lila hung up the phone. She’d covered every base and put the emphasis where it should be. Off the men who’d killed and on the women who’d made a difference.

No more talk about Aaron and Jared. Ever. She could leave town and start over. Erase her name and find a new life. Build something without a husband or father. Because she was in charge.

How long did it take to eliminate a family of monsters? Two months.

She won.
