Page 1 of Cruise in Love

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“So, this time are you both together or broke up yet again?”

Aarav Rathod grinned at his friend’s amused question. They were inside a military plane returning from a successful mission. The sound inside the jet was loud, and they had to almost shout to converse.

His other friend who was in the pilot seat looked amused as well. “Based on the goofy smile he has been having on his face after our mission, I’d say they are still together.”

Aarav smiled. “Actually, the last time we were together, she asked me to go to hell and not return.”

His two friends laughed. Veer and Rohan knew about his relationship that often ended with fireworks. The woman he loved was stubborn and fiery.

“But I’m hoping she accepts my proposal this time.” She had turned down his marriage proposal five times before. Although he understood her reasons and knew those reasons still existed, he was hoping to catch her at a weak moment and convince her to agree.

He grinned, feeling excited with the anticipation of dragging her into his arms again and kissing her sweet, lush lips. She always melted in his arms. Their physical intimacy was as passionate as the rest of their relationship. And it was something she had never denied him, no matter how much they fought.

“I hope she agrees too,” Rohan teased. “At least then, you won’t have to carry the ring everywhere.”

Aarav laughed. He and his friends were currently in military combat gear. But inside his bullet proof and bomb proof military clothes, there was a small diamond ring hanging off the gold chain around his neck. He had bought the ring with his first salary and savings. Being in the Air Force, and being unsure of where he would be at all times, he preferred to carry the ring on him. He hoped to see it soon on the woman he loved.

“You better not plan to get married right away,” Veer said with a smile. “I can’t wait to take a relaxing vacation as soon as we get home.”

“Are you sure it will be relaxing?” Aarav teased his friend in return. He knew Veer had a thing for a family friend’s daughter.

Veer laughed. “Unlike your girl, mine doesn’t even want to come anywhere near me. She turns up her snooty nose and ignores me each time.”

Aarav laughed and turned to his other friend. “And what about you? Are you just going to listen to your girl’s songs on repeat mode or do you plan on speaking to her again?” Rohan liked a popular singer whom he had met during their teens.

Rohan’s mouth twisted. “I doubt if she would even remember me. Her daddy dearest must be still keeping her too protected to allow her to meet any man.”

“Oh, come on guys,” Aarav said, shaking his head at his two friends. “When did such tiny hurdles ever stop us? The military labeled us as theDaredevils. We need to get out there and claim our lady loves.”

The three of them laughed together. They had been friends for a long time. They met at a NCC camp and eventually enrolled into the armed forces. Being together on many missions and wading through bombs and missiles had made their friendship close and everlasting.

They had just finished yet another high-risk mission, rescuing civilians from armed terrorists in a remote mountainous area. After sending the civilians safely back to nearest base in another rescue helicopter and then securing the terrorists, they were heading back to the base as well.

“The first thing I want to do is eat some hot food,” Rohan said with a shake of his head. “Any damn hot food.”

Aarav laughed. They had been eating only dried rations and fruit from the trees in the forest for nearly a week while infiltrating the terrorist camp. Although all three of them could cook and were trained to hunt, they couldn’t risk detection by lighting a fire.

“Yup, a few more hours, and we’ll have food and a bed to sleep in.”

They were smiling one moment and the next moment, the plane shook violently. The three of them were nearly thrown off their seats, but the seatbelts kept them from hitting the roof of the plane.

“Fuck,” Veer cursed softly.

“Bloody hell!” Rohan cursed.

“What hit us?” Aarav asked, looking at the controls. Aarav knew their plane was hit by something. But they were flying an advanced military plane which had missile detection. There was no way they could have missed it, unless the terrorists had something even more advanced, which could be a possibility. Every damn terrorist seemed to have access to the most sophisticated weapons.

The plane was nosediving even as Rohan tried to keep it stable. “No fucking idea what hit us,” Rohan said grimly said. “But whatever it is, it must be advanced enough to escape the radar.”

Aarav could smell smoke. He knew a part of the plane must have caught fire. It was only a matter of time before they would crash. Trying to stabilize the plane was a losing game.

But still, he and his two friends didn’t give up. They tried to control the plane from nosediving to slow down the fall, if not preventing it all together.

The three of them were mentally trained and prepared for death. They knew there were high possibilities of getting killed during combat. It wasn’t the first time they had seen death from up close. As he watched the mountains get closer and closer, he had only one thought.

