Page 19 of Cruise in Love

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Listening to the familiar name, she turned to look at him. He was watching her. He had removed his sunglasses, and they hung casually from the front of his t-shirt. But even though his eyes were uncovered, she couldn’t read his expression.

“Why?” she asked.

“It is considered to be the biggest medical breakthrough of this decade and it made you and Dheeraj quite rich and well-known in the pharma and science community. The people who broke into the lab could be looking for information on that research.”

She was surprised.

“Dheeraj and I created Eureka to help people. It is the fastest antidote for a viral infection. I don’t think the lab break-in was for Eureka because we already gave free patents to many other companies to mass produce it.”Especially to many poor nations.

He didn’t say anything.

The food arrived surprisingly quickly and she began eating right away. The fish was cooked to perfection and so were the vegetables. She even loved the herbed wild rice that had a good bite to it. And the sparkling white wine went perfectly with the meal.

She looked up when she felt his gaze. He was watching her with an amused twist of his lips. Her cheeks heated as she recalled telling him a while ago that she wasn’t hungry. The bossy jerk had dragged her out saying she could watch him eat. And now, the opposite was happening.

Her eyes fell on his plate which had double the portion of hers. She knew he would easily finish it as he always had a big appetite and it never showed on his broad yet powerfully lean, muscular body.

The memories of his body made her reach for the wine glass and she took a big sip. It was maddening that she still felt attracted towards the jerk who broke her heart.

She kept her focus on the meal and not on him. And when her main course was done, the desserts were brought in. She continued to distracted herself by digging into the scrumptious tiramisu that was beyond delicious.

“Give me your schedule,” he ordered.

She looked up. “I already told you I don’t have a schedule.”

His eyes hooded as he watched her. “So, we are spending time in our suite the rest of the day?”

“No!” The last thing she wanted was to be alone with him.


“I’m going to watch a live theater show,” she gritted.

His mouth twisted. “Good. So, what show are we watching?”


Two hours later, they headed down towards the middle of the ship where most of the live theater shows were held.

After lunch, they had gone back to the cabin suite where she had made good use of the luxurious master bathroom with stunning ocean views. There was a tub to the corner, but she took a long shower in the large glass cubicle and deliberately took her time to get ready in front of the long marble counter that had dual sinks and a running mirror. It was a bathroom meant to be used by two people, but obviously she wouldn’t let him inside. She made sure the bathroom door was locked properly.

When she finally stepped out wearing a long, emerald green dress, she expected Aarav to look annoyed for taking so long. But his mouth twisted in amusement, which made her annoyed.

Ignoring him, she grabbed a small clutch with her cell phone and stepped outside to the living room and then out of the cabin.

They took the private access lift to the middle floor where most of the live theater shows were held. The place was nearly packed full. But guests from the owner’s suites had reserved balcony areas with limited seats for all the shows.

She had picked a three-hour long award winning live musical show.

“You don’t have to join me,” she said in a reasonable tone. “You’ll be bored. Why don’t you watch what you like or do what you want and then we can meet at a restaurant for dinner.”



“I’m fine with whatever you picked,” he drawled. “It doesn’t matter what is playing.”

Her cheeks heated at his words. She was reminded of their movie dates where they barely watched the movie because they were busy making out in the empty last row seats.
