Page 5 of Cruise in Love

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Sitara took a deep breath as she cut off her thoughts midway.

Her mind luckily decided to listen to her and she distracted herself by finishing packing and going through the checklist for the upcoming trip.

Home security. Check.

Out of office email initiated. Check.

Packing for the trip. Check.

Mentally preparing for the vacation. Check.


“The first phase results are positive and we are hoping to ramp up more testing…”

“Yes, the ten million research grant is nearly approved. My team will begin…”

“Did you hear the rumors about who is going to get picked for the Eminent Scientist award this year…”

Sitara smiled as she heard the buzz of familiar conversations as she stepped into the party.

After spending the entire day at the summit, everyone was letting down their hair at the after-event gathering.

The party was held on the rooftop terrace of a luxury hotel building. There were hundreds of guests, but since the place was huge, it didn’t feel too stuffy. The event was sponsored by some of the biggest pharma and biotech corporations because of which the food and the shows were spectacular.

Several popular artists performed on stage and many celebrities were invited to mingle with the guests. Sitara wore the long, red sleeveless gown that Preeti had packed for the occasion. It swished around her ankles while she walked into the ongoing party.

She spotted a familiar face. “Good evening, Dr. Pathak,” she greeted.

The woman with distinguished gray hair smiled. “Sitara! You look lovely, my dear.”

Sitara smiled at the compliment. “Thank you, Dr. Pathak. You look very elegant.”

The older woman was wearing her signature black pantsuit. Dr. Pathak laughed. “I guess so, since I only wear pantsuits. Although I recall packing a couple of different colored pant suits for our trip. I hope you are excited about the cruise tomorrow. I know I’m very excited.”

Sitara smiled. “Yes, I’m looking forward to it.”

Dr. Pathak patted her arm. “That’s good, dear. I want you to enjoy yourself on the cruise. You need a proper vacation to relax and recharge.”

Sitara smiled.

“All right, I’ll see you later, dear. I have to take an urgent call. I’m hoping it finishes early and I can rejoin the party. If not, I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”

“Anything I can help with?” Sitara offered.

Although Dr. Pathak was Sitara’s business partner, she was also an advisor in many other biotech companies. The older woman had decades of research experience that people valued and admired.

“No, dear. Something that requires just me. A grant negotiation. You enjoy your evening.”

Sitara nodded. “Thank you, Dr. Pathak.”

Hoping her mentor would rejoin the party, Sitara continued to go inside with a smile.

A uniformed waiter approached her offering her champagne. Though she preferred not to drink during work events, even if it was a party, she still picked up a champagne glass from the tray and held the glass. She did that so people wouldn’t insist she have a drink. People in her circle were always in some or the other celebration mood, whether it was for a grant win, or an award win, or a breakthrough or even a big IPO win for their companies.

“Dr. Narayan!”

Sitara turned to see a group of familiar faces heading her way. The group consisted of research scientists she had worked with over the years. She greeted them with a smile.
