Page 50 of Cruise in Love

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“It’s pretty.”

“Isn’t it! For my birthday he bought me a Rolex, and now this. He’s spoiling me!”

Sitara didn’t know what to say. She smiled. “Excuse me, I need to pay for my dress.”

She turned to look for the bill counter when a saleswoman came with a shiny box with a satin ribbon. “Your dress is packed into this, madam.”

“Thank you. Where do I pay?”

“Oh, your husband has already paid for it.”

Sitara’s heart jolted. “What? I wanted to pay for it!”

It was quite an expensive dress and she didn’t want Aarav to pay. She would of course return the money to him, but the fact that he had paid for the cabin suite, her dress and even the shopping from the previous day made her feel unsettled. She would have to pay him back before the cruise ended.

The saleswoman and Roopa Motiani looked at her in confusion.

“My wife likes being too independent at times.” Aarav was watching her with amusement. “It’s okay, darling,” he drawled. “It’s my gift to you for our anniversary tomorrow.”

Sitara wanted to kick him.

“Oh! It’s your anniversary tomorrow?” Roopa Motiani remarked with excitement. “Then let’s go for lunch together and celebrate it from today! Sohel will suggest a really good restaurant!”

Sitara knew Aarav wouldn’t want them to go. So, she immediately replied. “Yes, we’d love to join you. I’m sure Sohel has an excellent choice.”

The last part was a bit too much, but she wanted to annoy the bossy jerk tormenting her.

“Oh, wonderful!” Roopa said with excitement.

Sitara smiled at the other woman and looked at Aarav. As usual, he didn’t react or look outwardly pissed. But she hoped he was annoyed as hell.

“Do you want to drop the dress off in your cabin?” Roopa asked.

“No, I’ll just bring it along.” She didn’t trust the jerk not to ambush her if they returned to the suite.

“Okay, great!”

They went to a restaurant on the lowest floor. It was calledThe Darkside.

“They make us wear blindfolds and serve us food. Isn’t that exciting!” Roopa said.

It did sound interesting, but Sitara could sense the anger in Aarav. She knew he wouldn’t be happy that the place would be dark and the perceived threat would increase.

“Welcome toThe Darkside. Would you like to reserve a table in the general area or private room?” the hostess asked.

“Private room,” Aarav replied. “And make sure no one else is allowed inside except the waiter.”

He gave his cabin keycard that had special access.

“Sure, sir. Please follow me.”

The interior of the restaurant was very dim with slow, sensual music playing in the dark. Sitara could see that everyone except for the serving staff were blindfolded. Some of the staff even used night vision goggles. The hostess led them into one of the private rooms.

The room was dark with only the barest of lighting coming from the corners of the portholes covered by dark screens.

“We have a menu made specially to enhance the experience,” said the server. “This is a four-course meal with a drink.”

They were handed the blindfolds. Sitara threw a quick look at Aarav. She could only see the shadows of him. Biting back a smile, hoping he was pissed off, she put on the blindfold.
