Page 76 of Cruise in Love

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It was crazy. It was risky. And it was beyond anything she had done before.

Could she gamble her future to the whims of fate?

She sucked in a deep breath.

“Okay, fine,” she said, feeling reckless.

His eyes flashed in dark satisfaction. “I’m binding you to your word, Tara,” he said.

Her stomach trembled sightly. He had already played a few rounds of the game and he had lost them all. There was only one deck of cards remaining and there was a high chance he would lose again.

“Yes, I give you my word,” she said.

Her heart began thudding even harder when the dealer began dealing the cards. She noticed Aarav once again got low cards compared to the other players. She was sure he would lose.

Strange disappointment sank into her stomach.

But then, the dealer continued to open the cards and when he was done, Aarav had the black jack.

“Congratulations, sir,” the dealer said, pushing the huge stack towards Aarav.

“Great bet, man,” a player congratulated. “You really killed it!”

“A shocking win indeed. Couldn’t have guessed it!”

While people around them congratulated him, Aarav’s eyes were trained on her. She stared at him in shock.

“Let’s go,” he said softly.

He held her hand and was about to lead her out when the dealer called out. “Sir, you didn’t collect your winnings!”

There was a huge stack of chips.

Aarav looked at the dealer and players with a smile. “Drinks on me to all,” he said before pulling Sitara along. The amount of money on the table would get the entire casino drinks.

“I-I can’t believe you won,” she said.

“I won.”

She witnessed that, but it was still surreal.

“Aarav. I don’t think we should—”

“I’m not letting you wiggle out of your word, Tara.”

“But… but… I… we…”

Even as she tried to come up with something in her shocked daze, he pushed her into the lift and pressed a button. His eyes burned with victory as he watched her.

“Aarav, we can’t get married tonight. Let’s at least wait—”

“I’m not taking the risk of you changing your mind. Again.”


A few minutes later, they were at a small chapel area that was built for cruise weddings. He made a few phone calls and they waited there for thirty minutes.

“Aarav, it’s midnight. Who is going to come at this—” She broke off when she saw a man and a woman heading towards them. The man wore a white pilot uniform with the cruise logo insignia.
