Page 185 of The Shattered City

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“He remains within, safely surrounded by those who still stand by him,” Jianyu told them. “He seems in no hurry to make any move.”

“That doesn’t mean anything,” Esta said, thinking of the diary. “He knows what’s coming. He just has to wait.”

She hated that Nibsy had that luxury while they were scurrying around like rats. The truth of the matter was, they were running out of time. The Conclave was mere days away now, and they weren’t anywhere close to ready.


Jack Grew didn’t tell anyone when he returned to the city. He kept his movements to himself, electing to stay at a hotel instead of his own, more comfortable town house. He hadn’t contacted his family or the old fools in the Order. He’d been watching and listening, waiting for the perfect time to make his presence known.

When he arrived at a banquet the Order held the night before the Conclave, he wasn’t surprised to find Ruby Reynolds there, dressed completely in black and whispering into the High Princept’s ear as though they were old confidants.

“Jack… What a surprise. We weren’t sure we’d see you here tonight.” His cousin, Junior, sidled up next to him. A crystal glass of something light and sparkling dangled between his fingers.

“I was invited,” he said stiffly, his eyes still on the Reynolds bitch. “The High Princept issued the invitation himself.”

“I see,” Junior said. But his tone made it clear it was a decision the family hadn’t been consulted about.

He turned to his cousin. “Is there something you wanted, Junior?”

Junior’s eyes narrowed, and his almost affable expression turned more severe. “My father wanted me to remind you that you aren’t to do anything that would put the family at risk.”

“I would never,” Jack said dryly.

“And yet…” Junior shrugged. But the expression he wore didn’t match the bored indifference in his voice. “You’re on your last bit of goodwill, Jack.”

“Goodwill?” He tilted his head. “Is that what this is? How delightful,” he said flatly. Then, before his cousin could even sputter a response, Jack cut him off. “You and your father—the family—have nothing to worry about. I’m here only because I was summoned. I’d rather be anywhere else than this gathering of overstuffed old men. I will be on my very best behavior.”

Junior blinked at the severity in Jack’s tone. “Well… see that you are.”

Before Junior could drift back to the crowd, Jack caught him by the sleeve. “The Reynolds girl’s back, is she?”

“I believe she’s officially Mrs. Barclay now, despite the tragedy,” Junior said. He was frowning in her direction. “She turned up a week ago, ranting and raving at the Order’s headquarters.”

“It’s good to see she survived her ordeal,” Jack said, infusing his tone with sincerity. “The High Princept seems quite taken by her, but then, beautiful young women often do have that effect on old men.”

His cousin sneered at him. “In this case, I think his interest goes far beyond her beauty.”

Jack lifted his brows and gave his cousin a questioning look.

“He still believes it was maggots who captured her,” Junior explained. “He believes he can get information about them and their plans if he keeps her close.”

Jack was sure that the Princept believed a lot of things, old fool that he was. But Jack would discover the truth. And if the situation worked to his own benefit? All the better.

He waited until Ruby had wandered away from the Princept’s side not long after the meal, and he followed her. She went to the coatroom first, and Jack waited behind one of the large columns that anchored the entryway to see what she would do. Instead of leaving once her cloak was wrapped around her shoulders, she turned back into the mansion. With no more than a glance in the direction of the party, she continued toward one of the unused hallways that led deeper into the heart of the mansion.

Jack followed far enough behind that she couldn’t detect him and watched as she let herself into a locked room using a hairpin.

Apparently her new friends had taught her all manner of skills.

He gave her time to get into the room before he followed, and she turned in surprise, knowing already that she was cornered. He looked around the room and realized that it was Vanderbilt’s private temple. There was an altar in the center and a Tree of Life painted on the wall. Ruby, it seemed, had been helping herself to the cloaks that had been folded there in preparation for the Conclave.

“Miss Reynolds,” he said, placing himself between Ruby and her only chance for escape. “You seem to have lost your way.”

She straightened. “It’s Mrs. Barclay now,” she corrected, her mouth going tight. She lifted her chin, regal as a queen, but her eyes betrayed her nerves.

So she isn’t a complete fool.

“You were a wife for so short a time,” he said mockingly. “I’d forgotten.”
