Page 203 of The Shattered City

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With the Aether jangling in anticipation, James stepped into the Garden to claim the glorious future that was his and his alone.


Esta watched as the bolts of electricity and magic that had illuminated the park crept through the city. The streets lit one after another, until finally the strange light met the water that encircled the island. She knew when that energy hit the Brink, because suddenly a flash of blinding light turned the midnight sky into day.

The robed figures on the rooftop gasped in awe and then applauded the spectacle, but Esta had a sinking sense that something was wrong.

“Here, in the depths of darkest night, we bring to the world a brilliant new dawn,” the Princept called from his place on the stage. “From our ritual this night will come a new era. Golden in promise. Powered through the mastery of the occult sciences and the modern world.”

In the distance, a wall of light shimmered against the star-draped sky. Colors of every type wove through the glistening curtain of power as the Brink became visible, magic made real. It wrapped around the island, as far as the eye could see, throwing up enough light that it wiped the stars from the sky.

But Jack still hadn’t made a move. He was sitting in the same place, placidly watching the proceedings with only the barest hint of interest in his expression. If they hadn’t known he was going to attack, if they hadn’t been sure of it, Esta would never have suspected him.

“Why isn’t he doing anything?” Esta asked.

“I don’t know,” Harte said. “But he will.”

“What if he doesn’t?” she wondered. “What if we’re wrong?”

“It’s Jack, Esta.” Harte took her hand. “He’s completely predictable, and this isn’t the first time he’s tried to frame Mageus by attacking. He’s done this before. There’s no reason to think we’re wrong.”

In the distance, the Brink pulsed and shivered. The colors within it flashed, twisting and twirling.

“Our forefathers brought the Brink into being through the force of their will,” the Princept continued. “Through the powers bestowed by angels and demons, they carved from the Aether protection for these shores, for this world. But there are those among us tonight who would question our glorious Order. There are those who came here tonight not in the bounds of brotherhood.”

The crowd felt suddenly unsettled at the change in the Princept’s tone, but he continued, undeterred.

“There are those who have come here this hallowed night because they believed the Order of Ortus Aurea to be weak and feeble. There are those who came not as brothers, not to join with us in the good and noble quest to eradicate feral magic from our shores, but as enemies from within.”

A rustling erupted through the gathering as men from the various Brotherhoods began murmuring among themselves. The sounds of their voices grew as they voiced denials and accusations.

But the Princept didn’t pay them any mind. He simply held his hands aloft, and the hundreds of alchemical flames contained within the branches of the tree behind flared from soft green to a blinding gold. The women perched there glistened, and the cut crystals around their necks flickered with the reflection of the flames.

Drawn by the spectacle like moths to flame, the crowd went quiet again.

“Do not come here with lies on your tongues,” the Princept said, his expression furious. “Come instead ready to kneel in penitence for your hubris and greed. Kneel!” he commanded, his voice rising above the din of the night.

Beyond, the city was awash with energy, and the Brink flashed again, as if in warning. But on the rooftop, the robed men went still, as though caught in the spell of his words. Slowly, one by one, they did what he commanded and began to kneel.

Jianyu and Viola were there suddenly, appearing out of nothing next to them.

“Where have the two of you been?” Esta asked, searching them for some sign of injury. But they seemed whole and well.

“Jack,” Jianyu replied darkly.

“But he’s been here the whole time,” Harte told them. “He’s never once left his seat there.”

Jianyu frowned as though he wanted to argue, but he looked beyond Esta to where Jack was sitting in the crowd. “You’re sure?”

“Positive,” Esta told him.

“Have you seen Ruby?” Viola asked.

Esta shook her head. “She didn’t come find you?”

“She did,” Jianyu said, but before he could explain, an earsplitting scream tore through the crowd.

Esta turned to find the crowd rippling with fear, but at first she couldn’t figure out what was happening. Jack was still there in his seat, serene and unbothered as he’d been all night.
