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One would haveto be living under a rock to not have seen the now-viral interview featuring beloved Adored Network actress Hollie Berry and Lyle Tucker onWake Up LA.

The country is divided on Berry’s reactions to Tucker’s questions and her abrupt firing from Adored Network. The girl next door known for her sweet and romantic Christmas movies shocked millions when she loudly proclaimed that she was “claiming her coal” instead of apologizing for her off-brand behavior at a Vegas nightclub.

What does that phrase mean? Why has it become the top trending hashtag on every social media platform? Why has #ClaimYourCoal become the new battle cry of women around the world?

US Daily has received the full video of the interview between Berry and Tucker and has transcribed it below. This includes the un-aired portion where Berry stormed off the set.

Is Berry justified in her actions? Are Adored Network and Tucker? You can decide for yourself.

LYLE TUCKER:Thank you for being on the show. I must say, not everyone can be as beautiful as you, especially after the weekend you had.

HOLLIE BERRY:Thanks for having me! It’s great to be here.

LT:The last forty-eight hours for you I’m sure have been a whirlwind. Do you have anything to say regarding your behavior this weekend? Some are saying that your actions may have put you on Santa’s naughty list…

HB:(Laughing) The naughty list… It was my best friend’s bachelorette party, but the images and videos were taken completely out of context.

LT:Then please, what was the original context? Because from what the world has seen in a video that now has more than three million views, it looks like you were having sex on stage with a male stripper.

HB:Well, that’s a little dramatic considering I was fully clothed and he was still in his Tarzan loincloth. There was absolutely no sex involved with our weekend.

LT:Thank you for bringing that up. The selfie of you next to a half-naked man is a little off-brand for you, don’t you think? You’re the sweetheart of the Adored Network, known for their sweet and romantic movies. What has Adored said to you about your behavior in terms of the video and photo?

HB:The dancer is a fan of my movies. He and his husband watch them every year on the network. He asked for a selfie afterward. I havenevertold a fan no if they want a picture. And as far as the network goes, Adored hasn’t said a thing. My private life is mine to do what I want with, as long as it doesn’t go against my contract. And attending a dance performance certainly isn’t forbidden.

LT:A dance performance? You call men dancing for women in nothing but their underwear a dance performance? Sounds more like a strip club to me.

HB:It wasn’t a strip club. Naked Heat is a dance performance. It’s not like we were there to throw dollar bills around.

LT:Even so, you had to know that the Adored Network would not be happy with how you are spending your free time.

HB:Well, I think that’s kind of the point. It’s MY free time. And I wanted to spend MY free time celebrating my best friend’s bachelorette party.

LT:Actually, we have a bit of breaking news here. I’ve just been handed a press release from the Adored Network saying that they are terminating your contract with the network for breaking a morality clause and are canceling your next three movies. What is your reaction to this?

HB:… Um, obviously I don’t know anything about that.

LT:Well, it’s true. Viewers at home, you are now seeing a photo of the press release that was just sent out by Adored.

HB:(long pause) I’m sorry, this is the press release? Like they just sent this out without even notifying me first? If that’s true, then I guess you’ll need to speak to my lawyer. I don’t think I should comment on this without—

LT:But Hollie, you have to have some feelings about this? These movies you make for Adored made your career and, frankly, are the only reason people even know who you are. You have to have something to say about this decision?

HB:Yeah, I have some feelings. Pretty specific feelings. If that’s an actual press release, I think it’s pretty (expletive removed) up that they would do that without contacting me first.

LT:Please, Hollie, watch your tone and words. And of course it’s an actual press release. Do you think we would lie to you? We aren’t the ones being questioned about our moral standards.

HB:MY moral standards? I’ve lived in Hollywood for 20 years with a squeaky-clean image. Do you have any idea how hard that is? I don’t party; I don’t sleep around. I do my job, and I’m good at it. God forbid I go to a bachelorette party! How about your moral standards? You like publicly shaming women for something every man in America has done. How does that line up with your moral compass?

LT:My moral compass isn’t being questioned here. I wasn’t the one who, as it has been described by numerous media outlets and tabloids, dry humped a man in front of hundreds of other women. What kind of message does that say to other women or young girls who consider you a role model? Is that the kind of moral standard you want to set for them?

HB:Yeah, you know what? It is! If women want to take control of their sexuality, I say go for it! Why do men like you get to decide what’s okay? I didn’t dry hump anyone in Vegas, but if I had, that would be my choice. You want to know aboutmymessage to women and girls? Here it is. Go out there and make the world your (expletive deleted). If this puts me on the naughty list then so be it. I’ll take all the coal. Hell, I’ll proudly claim my coal!

LT:You just lost your biggest contract. You are a viral video. Do you really think encouraging women and girls to, as you said, claim their coal, is the best thing you can do right now?

HB:No. The best thing I can do is this… (muffled noises) I’ll show you what claiming my coal looks like, you ignorant… (muffled noises)
