Page 10 of Pack Dreams

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Orchids were mom’s favorite flower, but she could never get them to re-bloom in our series of dark little apartments. I remember she’d be so happy when dad brought her one as a surprise, but as the blooms wilted she’d grow sad, and eventually frustrated that they never flowered again.

Being here, surrounded by hundreds of gorgeous, blooming orchids, I can finally understand what she was missing. This was herhome. I want to believe she left for a reason, but I can’t help but wonder what it could be. Why on earth did she run away and leave all of this behind? No one in their right mind could possibly see the sense in it.

Sighing, I reach a tentative hand out to stroke a snowy-white blossom. The petal is like velvet between my fingers, unbelievably delicate. I smile to myself, remembering how mom always did the same thing.

“You’d better not let Larry catch you doing that,” a soft male voice startles me, and I pull my hand back as if the flower had burned me. “Pretty sure he considers those things his babies.”

I whirl around to find the source of the voice, and spot a hot guy leaning casually against the door frame I’d just passed through. He’s at least half a foot taller than me, nearly six feet, with dark hair cut long on top and artfully coiffed in a stylish disarray. A light dusting of stubble graces his angled jaw, accentuating full lips that are curved in a casual smile. He’s wearing jeans with a green button-down shirt and the sleeves rolled up, revealing strong, pale forearms. Clearly muscular, but not big like a football player.

It rattled my nerves. “Don’t you know better than to sneak up on people?” I snap, trying not to appear too interested.

“My apologies, princess,” he smirks. “I thought I made plenty of noise, but you seemed to be lost in your thoughts.”

I bristle at being called ‘princess.’ On the street, a nickname like that meant you couldn’t hack it, and it still makes my blood boil. “And who are you, exactly?”

He steps forward, wearing a friendly grin with his hand extended. “Milo Vernice, pleasure to meet you. And you are?”

I narrow my eyes at his hand, refusing to take it. “Layla Harris… well, I guess technically my name is Lilliana Harridan. I don’t know if I’ll get used to that one, but it’s apparently what my birth certificate says.”

“But you prefer Layla?” His hand still doesn’t drop, like it’s some kind of battle of wills.

I fold my arms across my chest. “Well, actually I prefer Lex. It’s what I went by on… back home. But Layla is what my parents called me.”

“That’s a lot of names for one girl. I can understand why you’re confused.”

“Wait, I’m not-”

“But if you prefer Lex, then that is what I’ll call you,” he finishes with a grin. “Nice to meet you, Lex.” He moves his hand forward slightly, his grin widening.

I sigh and slip mine into his, accepting the handshake. His fingers are warm and smooth, and when we touch it almost feels like an electric current passes between our bodies.

Milo’s voice is rich and warm. “Welcome to Smoky Falls, Lex.”

I take a minute to realize I’ve frozen, gripping his hand and staring into his dark eyes like a crazy person. I jump back and shove my hands into my pockets.

“Thanks.” I rack my brain for something else to say. “So, do you work here?”

“Nah, I just came up today to help my dad. He’s one of the groundskeepers, and there’s always a lot to do.”

“Seems like an easy way to make some extra money.” I look around, wondering if I could get in on that and maybe learn how to care for orchids. I had yet to be offered cash of any kind, despite all the extravagant gifts Roxanne and my uncle had given me.

Milo chuckles. “I don’t get paid. I’m just helping out.”

“Well, that’s awfully generous of you. Do you help in here with the orchids?”

“Nope, like I said, those are Larry’s babies. I just came in here to look for-”

Right then, a loud crash from the door opening sounds in the next greenhouse over.

“My friend,” Milo snorts. He raises his voice to shout, “Hey Landon, over here!”

I turn to take in the newcomer as he approaches. This one is even taller, at least a foot taller than my 5’3” and slightly thinner with blonde-highlighted hair. He’s got a cleft chin and soulful eyes with sharp, straight brows and high cheekbones. Combined with a beauty mark just above his left dimple and the dark jeans slung low on his hips, the dude looks like he should headline a band somewhere.

I’d go see him, even if he sucked. That kind of eye candy is worth the assault on the ears.

Landon’s eyes land on mine and he beelines straight for me with surprising intensity.

Milo’s voice sounds amused. “Landon, meet Layla. Or Lex. Or Lilliana.”
