Page 36 of Pack Dreams

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Since I’d never really had social media, I don’t get what the fuss is about. My mom didn’t allow me to create profilesanywhere—of course, now I know why—and living on the street I didn’t have regular access to the internet so I just never bothered.

Now I live in a small town and have a smart phone, but only really know like ten people and I have their phone numbers, so the appeal is still lost on me. Each of the guys is trying to convince me to join their favorite, and it’s kind of amusing to watch them argue.

“You have to go with the classic,” Milo states. “Instagram is just photos and reels, and you can follow celebrities you like, look at pictures from travel bloggers, find recipes… it’s a lot less bullshit than other sites.”

“Snap is photos too, and you can do all of that plus send direct photos and messages that immediately erase,” Landon argues, turning his gaze to me with pink cheeks. “I mean, in case you want to share something with one person, but you don’t want them to keep it.”

Jared shakes his head. “No, TikTok is the best because it has the funniest content. People do pranks, make joke videos, or share funny stuff. Plus, you can do viral dance challenges or just share videos of cats. It’s pretty much whatever you want.”

I can’t help laughing at all of them, earnestly trying to persuade me to use their preferred app. “What’s wrong with actual text messaging? I can send you guys photos, videos, and messages directly. You can share anything you want me to see. Why do we need to do it someplace else?”

“Well, in order for me to share a TikTok with you, you’d have to have the app to watch it,” Jared shrugs, “but I see your point. If it’s just you and me, I don’t need anything else.”

“I’m sure I’ll check them out at some point, but I’ve still got a lot on my plate for now.”

The guys nod as if they understand, and the room becomes quiet once more. I go back to my reading, but a few minutes later, Milo clears his throat.

“Hey Lex?”

I look up and take in his nervous expression. “Yeah?”

“You remember the first day we met, when you said you found wolf prints in the dirt?”

Landon and Jared exchange a look, then refocus on me.


“Well, I did some research—because it seemed so strange—and it turns out there actually are wolves around here.”

Vindication rises in my chest. “I knew I wasn’t crazy. I swear I hear them every night, but everyone acts like I’m making it up. I told a few people the first time, but they said it must have been in my dream.”

“You dream about wolves?” Landon asks, at the same time Jared inquires, “You hear the wolves at night?”

Heat rushes to my cheeks. “Yeah. Ever since I arrived here, I’ve had strange, super-realistic dreams about wolves. I wake up every night, just after midnight, and I can hear them howling. It sounds like they’re so close, but I can’t see them from the windows.”

“Have you ever gone outside to get a better look?” Milo’s voice is carefully measured.

“No… Uncle Dom made me promise I’d never go into the woods alone. And to be honest, it’s kind of creepy, waking up like that. It feels like the entire house is empty at night.”

“Well, what if we do it together?”

“Do what together?” My eyes narrow, and I watch him carefully.

“What if we—the four of us—hang out until midnight, then go check it out?”

His offer pulls me up short. “You would do that?”

Landon looks at Milo with a peculiar expression. “Yeah, are you sure about that? Seems like a bad idea.”

“Yeah, I’m sure. I think it’s time we got to the bottom of this, don’t you?” Even though I can sense another meaning, an implied intent, behind his words, I can’t fathom what it would be.

“If Layla’s in, I’m in,” Landon shrugs. “I’ve always been more of a night owl, anyway.”

“I dunno about the night owl part, but I’m in,” Jared agrees. “Layla?”

Even though I’m thrilled at the idea of finally seeing the wolves I’ve been hearing every night, my pulse races with fear. Is this a good idea? I’ve always trusted my instincts and they’ve been screaming at me to run out into the forest at midnight, despite my uncle’s warning. With these guys at my side I wouldn’t be alone, and I wouldn’t be afraid.

A snippet of my dream returns to me just then, causing my heart to leap to my throat: me as a wolf, running ahead, and leaving the wolf guys behind. The darkness, the attack by other wolves.

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