Page 39 of Pack Dreams

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My breathing evens out, my heart rate dropping to a normal level, and we sit quietly together.

In the distance, the other group of wolves howls and yips, running further into the forest. But I stay on the porch, content now that I understand at least a part of this story. I sit, surrounded by their warmth, my fingers busy petting while I’m lost in thought.

I don’t know how much time has passed when another howl sounds in the distance, and Landon sits up, his head tilted to one side. Whining softly, he turns to Milo, who huffs in acknowledgement. He leans in to bump his head against my cheek, then all three of run off the porch.

“Wait!” I call, jumping to my feet and planning to race after them.

But they don’t go far. Just off the porch, they pause by the piles of their belongings, then whimper in unison.

As if I’m watching a rewind of what I witnessed earlier, the three wolves slowly turn back into the guys I knew. No more tails, fur, or fuzzy ears.

Once again they’re fully human, and fully naked, so I avert my eyes while they get dressed, staring at the moon. For some reason, I feel like she’s speaking to me, just in a language I don’t understand. Just like the guys, the moon seems to have an aura that means something, but I can’t quite put my finger on what it is.

“Ahem.” Milo’s quiet voice startles me and I jump before glancing down to realize they are all dressed and staring up at me, once again, waiting.

“So, that was interesting,” I prompt. “I assume you have more to tell me?”

“Yeah, there’s… definitely more to tell. Can we go back up to your room and talk?”

The quiet night has suddenly become eerie, and a chill licks up my spine. “Yeah, I think that’s a good idea.”

We make our way through the dark house and back up to my suite. I claim a corner of the couch and a furry throw blanket, then settle back. “Alright, out with it.”

Landon and Jared both look at Milo for guidance, who sighs. “You know, I don’t know how I became the spokesman here, but at some point, you guys are gonna need to speak up.”

“You’re just so much better at it,” Landon grins.

“Exactly,” Jared agrees. “Always have been.”

“Practice makes perfect,” Milo grumbles, but he returns his gaze to me. “Okay, I’ll tell you what I can, but I need you to understand I can’t tell you everything.”

“Why not? Surely the cat’s out of the bag now… or, I suppose, I should say dog.”

“Wolf, please, we’re not dogs.”

“Fine, the wolf is out of the bag.”

“It’s not that simple. The alpha, your uncle, decreed-“

“Wait, Uncle Dom is thealpha? Now it all makes sense. I thought he had way too much going on for a mayor of such a small town.”

“Yes, he’s the alpha. And he decreed no one could talk to you about the pack until-”

“Well, how are you talking to me about it, then?”

“Lex, if you would please let me get a word in, I’d love to explain it to you.”

“Sorry,” I mime zipping my lips. “Go on.”

Milo sighs. “So, the alpha decreed that no one can tell you about the pack to keep someone from accidentally spilling the beans before he wanted you to know. He charged us with telling you about our wolves for a specific reason, but even we aren’t allowed to give you a lot of details.”

“So what’s the reason, and what are you supposed to tell me?”

Milo pauses. “There aren’t onlythreewolves in this room, Lex.”

“What? Who else is here?” I look around, not seeing anyone beside the three of them.

And then I catch on. “Me? I’m a wolf too?”
