Page 48 of Pack Dreams

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“As people migrated to the new world, many of them were shifter clans. Our ancestors wanted a fresh start in a more wild place. They brought witches who could tap into the natural magic of specific locations, using that innate power to create sheltered homes for shifters.

“Where we used to manifest anywhere, our power is now tied to this land, you understand? That first alpha gave something to the earth, and in return, the earth protects us here. We have a magical boundary that keeps non-shifters out. Sure, they can visit, but they never manifest a desire to move here. And as shifters, we don’t move anywhere else, lest we lose our ability to shift and our magical bond with the pack.

“So, however many centuries ago, our pack formed, and we used to have regular dominance fights for leadership. The alpha continuously had to prove themself by deflecting attacks from would-be alphas, and it took much of their time and energy.

“When we moved here, the alpha at the time was part of the witch’s spell. From then on, the strength of the pack was tied to thatonebloodline. That family would always be alpha, otherwise the magic would be broken and this area would no longer be protected. The pack would have to break up, and some might go join other packs or give up being shifters forever.

“I’m sure you’re following this by now, but that alpha bloodline is the Harridan bloodline. Your family has been alphas for centuries, and are the only thing keeping this pack together.”

Milo clears his throat, obviously uncomfortable, and in a fit of guilt I run to my mini fridge to grab some drinks for all of us.

“So I think I’m following that, but then why did those wolves attack me? And where is my uncle?”

“I think I ought to take over, if that’s alright with you.” Roxanne’s voice intrudes on our group, and I look up in surprise. She’s in the doorway, holding a neat pile of the guys’ belongings and my bag from the clearing.

The boys take their things and disappear into my room to change, and Roxanne sits in the chair opposite me. “I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you everything, but I trust by now the boys have told you about the alpha compulsion. I was very limited in what I could share.”

Sighing, I nod. “But you can tell me now, right?”

“Yes. So, to answer your question, I need to tell you a little more about your family. It’s not just the Harridan bloodline—it’s the Harridanwomen. As part of the spell that was worked, the magic that sustains and protects this place is passed down through the Harridan females. It renews with each new alpha, who takes her mates and forge fresh connections with the pack, and so the cycle continues.”

“Wait, did you say ‘mates’ as in plural?” Something tells me I shouldn’t be as surprised as I am.

“Yes, the Harridan alpha always takes three mates. They are designated from birth, and the three mates ensure that the major families of the pack continue to keep equal importance in the pack. There were four, originally, and they constantly fought for the position as alpha. This way the Harridan alpha takes three mates, one from each line, and they become four alphas who share the responsibility of protecting the pack.”

“So someone decided who my mates would be at my birth? How is that even possible?”

“In your case, it’s a little complicated. It’s a magical process, and at the birth of each child, a seer can foretell who each child will mate. You were not born here. There was no seer to designateyourmates. However, at the birth of three boys, the seer foresaw they would each mate the next Harridan alpha. And here you are.”

Icy dread pours over my body like cold water. “And who are those three boys?”

Roxanne tips her head forward, staring into my eyes with meaning. “I think you already know.”

And in my heart of hearts, I do know. They were too friendly, too nice, too caring. Of course they were only doing it because they had to.

“Well, that’s great. So literally no one is my friend unless they have to be.”

“It’s not like that, Layla. I promise. They genuinely care about you. Just because it was foretold by a seer doesn’t make those feelings any less real. It’s just a magical bond that helps bring us together.”

“I… yeah, I don’t have space in my head to unpack that right now. Let’s get back to my uncle and why those others attacked.”

“Of course. So your uncle was never meant to be alpha—your mother was. However, when she took off before manifesting, she left the pack without an alpha heir. The responsibility passed to your uncle.”

“So why didn’t he have three mates?”

“Not all shifters that are born in the pack have fated mates. Most do, but some are born without. We encourage them to find a mate among other shifters with no fated mate, or they can choose to join the human world and relinquish their wolf. Because we have so few born in our pack with no fated mate, it’s usually their first priority to find a mate among another pack.

“But since your uncle became alpha, he couldn’t take a mate from another pack. That would make another bloodline alpha ofourpack, you understand? It would tear the pack apart from the inside out. So he did the best he could, trying to find your mother and bring her back here, before your grandparents died. But he was unsuccessful, and the position as alpha, and the curse, fell to him.”

So many tiny pieces clicked into place.

The portraits in the hall, always one woman and three men.

The three boys in the photos with my mom, one she ran away with and two she abandoned.

“So my mom left behind two of her fated mates? And that’s why they hate me.”

“Yes, the rejection of the bond is painful. It’s understandable that it made them bitter, and because your uncle was not as strong, and didn’t have mates to help him, he could not keep the pack together as tightly as it should have been. He’s struggled under the weight of it. I’ve done my best to help, but I’m no alpha.”

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