Page 65 of Pack Dreams

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Sighing, I glance around at the party once more. These people are counting on me. They’re all happy, relieved that I am here to save them.

And I’m going to let every one of them down.

* * *


* * *

Layla is a roil of emotions, and I have no idea how to comfort her.

From what I can tell, she doesn’t really want to be comforted. She’s stewing in her emotions as an escape from her nerves, and I don’t know which is worse.

After dinner we retreat to her suite and we do our best to distract her with movies, games, and Jared’s terrible jokes, but the raw edge of her anger doesn’t dissipate.

Finally, I have to ask. “Layla, are you mad at us for any reason?”

Her green eyes whip to my face, an angry bark her reply. “No, why would you even say that?”

“Because I can sense you’re angry, and despite our best efforts to cheer you up, you’re still livid. So I wondered if it was us you’re angry at.”

She sighs, uncrossing her arms and rubbing her small hands over her face. “I’m sorry. I’m not mad at you guys. I’m mad at this situation. I’m angry at my uncle for ditching me here and taking off. I’m furious at my parents for setting me up to this impending failure. But I’m not mad at you.”

“It’s not an impending failure,” Jared rubs the back of her neck. “You’re going to kick Amber’s butt, I know it. You’re better than her in every way. Everyone knows it.”

“Apparently not Amber,” she huffs. “If she did, she wouldn’t even try.”

“Well, she hasn’t seen you training every night,” Milo answers reasonably. “And she’s grown up with no competition; the assumption that she would take over ran rampant in her family for all those years your mom was gone. I can only imagine they told her every day she would be alpha. That sort of conditioning would be hard to shake.”

“So if I lose, then what happens?”

“Number one, that won’t happen,” Milo is quick to reply. “But if for some bizarre reason it does, then Amber has the assumed position of alpha until she can find her voice. Of course, she would be open to the monthly full moon challenges the same as you if she can’t command. But she would be presumed alpha so…” his voice trails off as if he suddenly realizes what he was about to say.

“So what?”

Milo sighs. “So she would move in here with her family. Technically, this is the pack alpha residence, even though it’s named Harridan House. By tradition, it would pass to the next alpha.”

“Wait, are you saying I’d be homeless? Again?!” Layla’s voice rises in panic, and my heart clenches.

“Absolutely not,” I assure her. “We wouldn’t let that happen, and you have a family inheritance. Roxanne has access to your accounts and could get you set up in a place. But you’d have to vacate this house.”

Her lower lip trembles, and it takes all of my restraint to stop myself from grabbing her and stopping it with a kiss. “But this is my home. I finally, finally got here, and I’m about to lose it.”

“Not happening,” Jared says confidently. “I think we should stop talking about what-ifs. They will not happen and all we’re doing is stressing her out more. Layla is going to shift, kick Amber’s butt, then lead the pack on the midnight run. Then we’re all going to come back here and get a great night’s sleep. Speaking of—Layla, do you want to nap before the run?”

She shakes her head. “There’s no way, I’m too nervous.”

“Okay, then let’s just do a movie. What about New Moon?”

Milo and I groan in unison. “Not again, Jared.”

“Hey, I just love watching the vampires get their asses kicked by the wolves. Sue me.”

Layla chuckles. “Do you guys watch that a lot?”

“Not recently, thank god,” Milo snorts. “Jared was obsessed for a while, but we convinced him it was better for his social health if he found something else.”

“Social health?” She glances between us, confused.
